Latest issues of The Beacon and The Inside Story!

Hi everyone
Keep an eye on your mailboxes this week because the latest issues of The Beacon and The Inside Story are on their way!
We had so much to share with you in The Beacon this time that we had to expand it into a bumper 20-page issue. The magazine has articles about a range of issues you may find interesting, great stories from women, lots of information about what's happening with BCNA plus some great offers from our partners.
If you didn't get a chance to submit your story, please jump in and share it now by commenting below on this blog post. Let us know what you have done since being diagnosed that you never thought you would. Have you made friends you may otherwise never have met, taken up a new activity, travelled to new places, or had experiences as a result of your diagnosis that you never would have imagined?
I know I'm not alone here at BCNA when I say that hearing your stories is the best part of my job, so...share away!