Everyday Heros

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Orbost, VictoriaPosts: 0
edited June 2015 in Community news and events

Hi everybody, I've just been advised by my sister in law that she has managed to raise $3,265.50 for breast cancer research on the Everyday Hero website. This was the result of the Mad Hair day that we had at our home on the 30th May. 5 people had their heads shaved including my tufty bits. People attended wearing silly hats and wigs and we had a lovely afternoon tea together. I'm just blown away how much people care, how wonderful. There are some photos on the Everyday Hero website, just search for Suzanne Gunn. 


  • DebDeb
    DebDeb Member Posts: 6
    edited June 2015

    Wow, that's amazing. I will checkout that website. My sister in law also helps raising much needed funding for cancer.  These angels are to be praised x

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Orbost, VictoriaPosts: 0
    edited June 2015

    They sure are Deb, isn't it fantastic that so many people really care. Knowing that they want to help stop this life disrupting disease and pay a gifted scientist to find a cure is just a marvellous gesture. Amazing ????

  • Jane221
    Jane221 Member Posts: 1,195
    edited June 2015

    Incredible effort - good on her! Jane xx

  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited June 2015

    What an outstanding effort!!!

  • Lululu
    Lululu Member Posts: 14
    edited June 2015

    Hi Tracey, that is just awesome! It sounds like you have a wonderful support network of family & friends. Big hugs Louise x

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Orbost, VictoriaPosts: 0
    edited June 2015

    Hi Louise, I'm really blessed with the amazing support from my family and friends, they are truly awesome. People amaze me every day with their kindness, they are just there. It was really nice to have the mad hair party as a thank you and a good laugh along the way. ????