BCNA Secondary Breast Cancer Forum

hi everyone,
Last Thursday we had over 100 people attend the secondary breast cancer forum in Preston, Victoria. We have had a terrific response to the evening from participants that included quite a lot of partners and support people who also came along. It was also really great to hear from Sharon who facilitates our online secondary breast cancer group. Sharon spoke about the benefits of being able to connect with other women who shared similar experiences.The evaluation confirmed that the majority of participants were keen to hear about latest developments in treatment and care as well as learning about ways to manage emotional concerns. We will be providing a summary of the evening on the BCNA website early next week. For those who live outside of Victoria, we are planning more forums for 2015 and will keep you updated about those as we finalise planning.If you have any thoughts as to how we could continue to modify the secondary breast cancer sessions at out information forums, please get in touch. I would love to hear from you. Best wishes, Danielle.