Exercises after mastectomy and reconstruction
Moderator moved post created by @Tigertan_09 from Activity section to 'Newly Diagnosed':
Autologous fat grafting months after implant placement
Hi everyone. I am just wanting some advice on the autologous fat grafting procedure and its success. It has been 10 months since my implant has been placed in my left breast after having a tissue expander after a mastectomy. I had high-grade DCIS but fortunately I did not need chemo or radiation. Post mastectomy surgery I…
Surgery decisions
@Sheeba original post copied from the activity section. I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast hormone positive breast cancer in august 2021. The surgeon said because of the size of my breasts in relation to the tumour, 4cm, I would need a mastectomy followed by chemotherapy and radiation or I could have chemotherapy first in…
Surgery, radio, sleep, and restless legs
This is a long shot, but just in case... I had a mastectomy and reconstruction in mid-December, and I'm almost halfway through radiation treatment. I've always had restless legs, and there's something about major surgeries that seems to make it flare up badly. I had an abdominal hernia/muscle separation repaired at the end…