Welcome New Members - 12th May 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past week: @ziggystar85 @PetaSB @K_CEE @KWKW727 @Neomi @WinMac @NinaNeen @Siewli @FleurDK @NATWIRADJURIWemba @lovemoon @Fiona71 @Lakota @Abdhe @deCourcy @H20 @Shellie @table @Tammy_Mac @larosario You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online…
Welcome New Members - 28th April 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past week: @AngelaJS @EllenW @Judith_S @Marycipk @JessG @HerSister @Judith_S @Miffy1975 @Meli @ozmiriam @Dials_Mavis @Charmed64 @1_day_at_a_time @AZ79 @SisterLove @Natuls @Jac65 @akdickson @kedron @Pommy8 @MGello You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s…
Welcome New Members - 20th April 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past fortnight: @Chicklet @ME2007_ @Djk @Gwyn @Mumofthree @elisel @Joanne_ @Mrsmacg @Juliebrian @angelajacksonsmith @Marycipk @JessG @HerSister @AngelaJS @Judith_S @EllenW You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum…
Welcome New Members - 8th April 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past week: @FTA @SuzieAnne @Diamond_J50 @MummaPins @radiata @Al5t @heinemaj @Mamof2girlies @MMAN @Tip You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum where you are not alone and can engage with generous members who…
Welcome New Members 30th March 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past fortnight: @Ams @C98 @TLCFAM6 @Bexta @Connect @Sioux @exippy @squishy_pink716 @Salsi @terayzah @lamberly @Sixsoo @lilbets @September_Girl @Naomif @Hafsa @Violin56 @Emzz02 @myboobook @Kye01 You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online…
Welcome New Members - 18th March 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past week: @greyhound @Borahae @Megan_Jane @Suse2022 @KLM64 @Kelsey86 @BronLilly @LauraLJ @RMJJ @Renee327 @SylviaM @Zameera @jessicai You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum where you are not alone and can engage…
Welcome New Members - 11th March 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past week: @Shakespeare @Meka @MokeyMeow @Suze51 @Sheeba @Patch120 @Blace @SugarBear @Hopeful1 @Charmaine_69 @Klea72 @JenG @cdj @Karen1512 You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum where you are not alone and can…
Welcome New Members - 4th March 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past week: @Erimentha @Marms @Kate07 @Mez_02 @Ellieksc @Chantelle82 @Leuser @Thunderbird @Kylou @KNP05 @png_shan You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum where you are not alone and can engage with generous members…
Welcome New Members - 25th February 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past week: @Cornflower @Angelique @Mariyam @SarahJ62 @cjarvo71 @Jenni7 @SteffiOZ22 @RubyDoo You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum where you are not alone and can engage with generous members who provide…
Welcome New Members - 18th February 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past week: @Cag @GerryEm @Dina @Lgrimsey @JulieAC @Kimmikaze @vivian1boob @Julierog @AJB4814 @Ksf @MooM @Christabel03 @fleeona @Lanah You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum where you are not alone and can engage…
Welcome New Members - 11th February 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past week: @carolr @Fufan @RonnieB @Checkyjac @Louisehay @clarity @Dace-ce @CD1 @OutofAfrica @Chloenet48 @1lumpy_lee @D_Tizzle53 You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum where you are not alone and can engage with…
Welcome New Members - 4th February 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past week: @mtjoe @VVW @MrsSoups @D2Dizzy @Vix1963 @cheriemo_1908 @Scorpio12 @CJ02 @whysolumpy @Pope17 You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum where you are not alone and can engage with generous members who…
Welcome New Members - 28th January 2022
A very warm welcome to our newest members of the past week: @ERINDV21 @AaryBee @LauraMarie @DCorbello @Maxie @PamF @BCwithBC @Mary_2022 @evabesser @Samalex @Clairebear7 @Keeley @Alexto @Oldies @Jode You have found your way to Breast Cancer Network Australia’s (BCNA’s) Online Network. This is a forum where you are not alone…
'Edit your post' feature has been extended from 15 mins to 24hrs!
Hi Members, Authors may now 'edit' their own post up to 24hrs from creation. The 'edit' feature is located on the wheel/cog as pictured below: If you make a spelling mistake or simply wish to delete your post, you now have a 24hr window to make these changes (note: you will not be able to edit anyone else's content).…
EMOJI ('Reactions')
Hello members, In a recent unrelated discussion thread there has been a clear dissatisfaction expressed with the current emojis (aka reactions) available or not available to you when communicating in the online network. In relation to the 'hug' emoji, this was an organisational decision to include the hug reaction as it is…