Forum Discussion

Belgrave14's avatar
6 years ago

Single or double mastectomy

Since being diagnosed with Stage 3 Inflammatory Breast Cancer in March I have been pretty clear that I want “a double mastectomy, no reconstruction and fab tattoos”. My breast surgeon is actually the guy who first broke the news to me when I ended up in hospital thinking I had an infection and I have seen him twice since. He has always said that having a double didn’t make recurrence less likely (I have a tumor in my right breast and there were some cancer cells in my lymph nodes) but that we will take about it nearer the time. Well, I see him next Friday prior to finishing  Chemo in 2 July and my oncology says surgery will be around three weeks after that so now it is time.

I know I am the only one who can decide but would love to hear from others who had to make the same decision. Lumpectomy is absolutely not an option, it’s one or both off. I am also wondering if choosing a double will have cost implications, I have found out about gap fees in the private system the hard way so if he says it’s not medically necessary is that the choice taken away from me as I certainly can’t fund it? I would be very grateful to hear what others did.