Hi @PeterB
I'm on the policy team here at BCNA. We have a number of men diagnosed with breast cancer who are active in our membership and I have reached out to see if they are interested in making contact. Two of our men are active on the online network from time to time - @"Chester80$$" and @traveltext
In 2016, we carried out a consultation with a group of men diagnosed with breast cancer. The aim was to better understand what BCNA and other can do to better meet the needs of men facing a breast cancer diagnosis. A copy of the full report and executive summary of this project can be found
This year, on October 20th, we are launching Australia's first male breast cancer awareness day, with stories from men on our social media and local news. If you are interested in sharing your story with local media, we are looking for men currently in QLD, WA and Tasmania. Opportunities for a media spot will depend on the level of interest and availability of local media (radio, television).
Be sure to visit our website, Facebook page and Twitter feed on October 20th for the awareness day!
If you have any questions or queries please also feel free to private message me here. I am providing ongoing outreach and support for male breast cancer projects and member enquiries.
Warm regards
Pauline McLoughlin
Senior Policy Officer