Reconstruction website

Diannes48 Member Posts: 39
Hi all
Just wanted to update you on the committee im working on to create a website solely for reconstruction surgery
You will be happy to know all of the suggestions you all sent through are being included in the website.
There was a question about what language should be used throughout the website for eg personal using words like me and I or should it be more general as it was brought up that it may not be the actual person having the reconstruction looking at this site, could be husband or family member. As a consumer my thoughts are that it is a personal decision and the site should be personal but there was some differences about this so i thought i would put it to you guys and then i can take that back to next meeting.
Let me know your thoughts


  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    It is just about the most personal decision you can make. In the months leading up to my BMX and DIEP recon my BS repeatedly said only you can decide. In all the discussions I had with friends and family I said the only person who had even remotely a say other than me was my husband.

    So I would be in favour of more personal language. It would make it more immediate when being read by anybody.

    Let us know what the final decision is! K