Job hunting. What do you, or don't you, say?

Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,372
edited January 2018 in Social Groups
I've had to find a new job since my cancer came back.

 Luckily, I got head hunted by someone who knew me from my previous life, but prior to that I was sick with worry about how, and when, I let perspective employers know I was a right bag of tricks who was going to be a bit high maintenance and likely to use up most of her sick leave just attending appointments.

I'd like to see a few phrases that could be used when introducing this delicate topic. When do you tell them? My feeling would be leave it until you actually have an offer of employment. If the offer is subsequently withdrawn, that's adverse action which is covered by general protections. No one wants to go down that track, but it is illegal to discriminate. 




  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I wouldn't say anything either unless you had difficulties that needed addressing tben I would list it as a disability (like
    Lymphodema, or lifting diffuclties etc). Havig said that in a small community lie mine everyone knows but they soon forget you might need a little more pampering. I save up TIL if I can for appointments and not just use sick leave.