Survivorship online forum

Hi everyone,
Just thought I’d let you all know about a free broadcast of an online forum called Moving Forward: Surviving Breast Cancer. The forum was produced by an Australian organisation called Rural Health Education Foundation.
The forum features a very interesting discussion with a number of Australian medical experts including a psychologist, a dietician, a breast care nurse, a GP, and Professor John Boyages, a radiation oncologist from the Westmead Breast Cancer Institute. Some of you may have heard of Professor Boyages, as he is the author of the recently released book, called Breast Cancer: Taking Control.
The focus of the forum is breast cancer survivorship, so it looks at the issues and concerns that may be experienced by women once they have finished their breast cancer treatment.
A range of issues are covered including how to find supportive care once you have finished your treatment, the benefits of exercise, especially resistance (weights) training, (which can specifically assist with low libido), and advice about nutrition, including information about soy based foods. There is also some good discussion about the role of vitamin D in breast cancer and health. There are lots of useful ‘take home’ messages about these topics.
If you want to listen to the free online forum (80 minutes length), you can tune in by registering online at the Rural Health Education Foundation’s website at
Registration is free.
If you are interested in obtaining a DVD of the forum, you can purchase the DVD through the Foundation’s website for $140.00.
Happy watching!
Hi Astrid
Through BCNA I was registered to view the live broadcast but had link up problems. I have still had trouble viewing it online but am awaiting the dvd delivery. I look forward to viewing it as I am presently in treatment and did find it difficult to adjust last time (4 years ago) when my treatment was finished. Thanks for your comments - can'[t wait to get my dvd. XLeonie