International Women's Day messages

Di_BCNA Member Posts: 896
edited March 2011 in Community news and events

On the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day, some messages to all of our members:

To share your own thoughts and experiences, just visit the BCNA blog and leave a comment to this post.


  • Di_BCNA
    Di_BCNA Member Posts: 896
    edited March 2015

    Hi highheels, have you found the All posts page yet?  It's here:, if you haven't.  That's the best place to find all the network activity.  Each post shows up in order of when it's posted with the most recent at the top.  You can also click through to see the comments on each one.

    I can't see if you've posted questions anywhere, or made a blog post, but if there's something you want an answer to the best way is often to make a post in your own blog and it will show up on the all posts page and other network members can respond if they have something to offer.

    If you want some information about how the site works, you can take a look at the Help page, or the questions and answers page.  Or, I'd be really happy to talk with you about how you can get more from the site if you like. Just send me an email or personal message, or give me a call in the office if you'd rather talk by phone (click on my username and you'll find my contact details there).

    The site has been busy and so a bit slow this week -- we're working on an improvement to the code, and new hosting arrangements that should improve speed, which will (hopefully) be ready this week.

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