Bowls Club

Another really enjoyable meeting yesterday, and this time not under an airconditioner!!! Unfortunately Jo and Ash couldn't be with us but, hopefully, they can come next time. As usual Sarah had everyone in stitches...she is such a bright spark. Gayle called in briefly to give Jean a gift pack for the hospital as she is undergoing her mastectomy today. We wish her all the best luck possible and will be thinking of her all day.
It was lovely that Ksenia and Tanya made it as well as they live quite a way from us here. Ksenia had printed out a lot of inspirational sayings and we each chose one. Mine is quite touching and I am keeping it in my wallet....thank you Ksenia.
It was a very noisy get together as both Lynda and Sarah had been away on overseas holidays and had a lot to talk about....Luckily Sarah missed the earthquake!!
Good news about Annie...she has had her final chemo! Sarah finds out about her next treatment today.
Our next get together is on March 30th., again at the Bowls Club at 5pm. I am looking forward to it already!!