Post Surgery Bras & Prosthesis

Carole L
Carole L Member Posts: 6
edited June 2014 in Community news and events

I would like to recommend Lilybliss to anyone who requires Post Surgery Bras & Prosthesis After many months of searching for a suitalbe bra and prosthesis I found Lily !! Lily visited me at home with her products and within an hour I had fabulous bras, cammi tops & just the best prosthesis - she also has swimming costumes !! I had found it impossible to find someone who did this type of thing, I visited department stores and shops on other peoples advice, but had no luck and I was fortunate to have a friend make me some inserts and they carried me through until I met Lily - she is a Godsend - you will be amazed at how easy she handles your needs


  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015
    Whereabouts is Lilybliss? Tonya xx
  • ronnie61
    ronnie61 Member Posts: 126
    edited March 2015

    Just the other day I went shopping looking for another post surgery bra. I have the "Berlei" that I was given by my breast care nurses but I need to find more of them. I went into many lingerie stores and found nothing. I even went to Myers the other day and couldn't find what I need. I am a size 18 to 20 and its hard to find a bra that also clips from the front. Lilybliss would be fantastic I am sure but seeing as I live in Melbourne and Lilybliss in NSW it would be rather difficult. lol  Hopefully I will find a good post surgery  support bra soon.   Take care Ronnie xx


    Hi Tonya,  I think this is the link to Lilybliss from the bcna network. Hope you have been well. Ronnie xx

  • Carole L
    Carole L Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2015

    Hello Ronnie  You can purchase further bras from Berlei, but not the inserts ???  lilybliss would be able to supply bras and inserts via mail and I am certain you would be happy with the items  The cami is also wonderful - wont hurt to try

    Goodluck I know it is a very difficult search and I was just delighted with Lily

    cheers  Carole

  • Carole L
    Carole L Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2015

    Hi Ronnie61

    Just to help you with sizes I normally wear a 16C -  the berlei bra I received was a 14 and was perfect

    The bra from lilybliss was a US-A/B    the inserts were  Size 6 Style 916    the cami was AU 14

    the bra only does up at the front - I had a problem with the black one coming undone, but I squeezed in slightly the hooks and it is now perfect

    Make sure the inserts are style 916  they are slightly recessed and sit so much better than the flat one

    Hoping you can work out your sizing from this and I am certain Lily will know what to do - without her I would still be going everywhere to try and find something - with no luck

    Lily will also assist with you claim for Medibank - you just wont get better than Lily

    Hope this is useful  

    regards Carole