Surgery Date

I have my surgery date. The surgeon called this afternoon to say I'm booked in on Friday 4th March to have my left breast removed.....
I woke up at 1:30am in the morning last night and started to laugh....on New Years Eve night, celebrating with dear friends, just before midnight we were all asked to share one word that we hoped would describe 2011. When it came to my turn, I said the word for 2011 for me was 'balance." I wanted more of a balanced life, balanced health, balanced friendships, (and balance in my chequebook!) I didn't mean it literally though - as in two breasts off!! That's why I was laughing....
It's a good thing I can laugh about something like that - I have always relied on humour to get me through tough stuff. I'm definitely an optimist or a 'glass half full' kinda girl but there are certainly times when life feels overwhelming at times. As the surgery date approaches, it will be with mixed sadness and loss at the removal of the last of the 'twin beauties' - but today, I choose life and that means that anything that has the potential to take that life, needs to be gone!
hey benellendan,
my surgery (left breast mastectomy) is march 2nd, so we'll be feeling similar things, I guess. What you said about new year's goals etc. struck a chord with me too: I'm into fitness and have run a few half-marathons, and when a few of my fitness group friends were talking about our health & fitness goals for 2011, I said "I don't know how, exactly, but I want to really challenge myself this year." A week later I was diagnosed! Made me think about that old saying "be careful what you wish for" -- and gave me a laugh, too.
I guess we're together in this part of the journey.
go well