
Hi to everyone.
Big Thanks to Mich for getting me on here.
I am recovering from a bi-lateral maestectomy using the tram flap as reconstruction. The operation was on 10/02/2014. Unfortunately my right breast failed and i had to go back into hospital last Friday to have it removed.
Looking forward to joining the Perth ladies at their next meeting.
In the meantime does anyone know any excercise groups in Perth that cater for women who have had surgery for breast cancer. I would like to start doing some gradual exercise but i really don't know what i can and cannot do.
Susy X
Hi Susy,
What can I say - I really feel for you, as if you recall I had the same bi-lateral mastectomy/reconstruction op as you on the same day. That's really disappointing news.
It's such a roller coaster ride of the non fun type!
I too have had a setback with a report from December surgery not being read, which indicated lymph node involvement. (even though what I had was DCIS). If I hadn't researched and asked questions, goodness knows what my situation would be in future years. I get results on Wednesday after further testing.
Sounds like you are moving forward though. I can't comment on Perth exercises classes specifically, but I've started going to PINC Pilates here in Brisbane. It's clinical pilates specifically for post breast surgery rehab. Maybe that's something you could look into doing in Perth if it's possible.
Hugs, Linda
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Hi Linda,
Yes we did have our operation on the same day - then i have since had 3 subsequent ones trying to save this left breast but unfortunately they were unsuccessful and last Friday it was all removed.
When i saw the Breast surgeon i was told they had found cancer cells in one of my lymph nodes. I was totally surprised i didn't even know they had taken any lymph nodes apart from the sentinal node. But after futher testing they have decided that the cancer cells were too small that chemo treatment would be more detrimental than positive. So i have just started the hormone blocking treatment.
Thanks for the info on the Pilates classes i will check out our local Pilates gym here and see if they hold any specific classes.
Good luck on Wednesday.
Sue X
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Hello Sue
I was diagnosed Jan 13th 2014 and since I had a broken left humerous had to have that plated and screwed on Feb 5th so I could start chemo as my tumor needs to be shunk first before op. Into 4 day Chemo round 3. Any support I can offer please contact I am often up during the night. The perth group of Pink Ladies are amazing. Big hug and it does get better thought wise. The demons go and you just get on with it as women do.
Take care
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Hi Susy,
Just to follow up on what I mentioned earlier regarding sentinel lymph node involvement. I had my meeting with breast surgeon on Wednesday and despite the report indicating .5 mm (micrometatasis), it has been decided to downgrade the findings to isolated tumor cells (less than .2mm) and therefore no hormone blocking treatment. Still finding it difficult to accept this decision, which is based on research on my type of rare tumor cell, which apparently can be easily dislodged during biopsy.
cheers, Linda
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Hi Linda,
Yes thats what the oncologist said to me about finding the cancer cells in my lymph nodes - that they could have been "dislodged during biopsy". We just have to put our faith in the doctors.
Sue X