New appreciations

the Foxs lady
the Foxs lady Member Posts: 119
edited February 2014 in General discussion

Because I got so sick following surgery in October, my husband stopped work in the middle of November and was home until 6 January. 

Then he took me back with him to WA for 2 weeks.

While he was home he made it clear to my children that I was not doing well and as I didn't appear to have the ability to say "no", he was putting "no" in place.

I no longer babysit my grandbabies while their mother is at work.

However, since I was so sick, many things happened and I now have a new appreciation of what being really really sick does:

  • you learn what is important in your life
  • you learn who is important in your life
  • you learn when to ask for help
  • you learn the "why" of life



  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,322
    edited March 2015
    It's amazing the lessons we learn on this journey. You have obviously been through a really tough time. I hope things are improving now and you can enjoy your grand babies.
    Take care, rest up and say no if you need to. That's a very hard lessonfor some of us to learn...myself included.
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,322
    edited March 2015
    It's amazing the lessons we learn on this journey. You have obviously been through a really tough time. I hope things are improving now and you can enjoy your grand babies.
    Take care, rest up and say no if you need to. That's a very hard lessonfor some of us to learn...myself included.