Everything happens for a reason

tenayahjade Member Posts: 2
edited January 2014 in General discussion
I dont actually know who reads this, or exactly how im supposed to write it - but I guess I'll use it as a vent.
Since mum gpt diagnosed with breast cancer ive been nothing but confused about my emotions.. ill think one day im doing so well at it must seem weird that im not upset but then the next day I'll be driving aling listening to Dolly Parton at full blast and just bawl my eyes out.. often thats how it happens. And the only time that I actually feel really good - is when I have spoken to her.
Its amazing how normal and healthy mum can sound over the phone or even how beautiful she will look when I spend time with her, yet to think this evil thing os inside her trying to ruin her.

Im so lucky she is the strongest woman I have ever known - to take something like this in your stride and hold it together is one hell of a thing. I believe that crap like this only happens to people who can hamdle it.

I try to see the positive in everything - its the only way to get through, like today I found out mum needs to get a full mastectomy done, cuz the first surgery didn't do the job. But hey ! That means no radiation - so its a good thing ? Ill tell myself that anyway.

And this whole ordeal has pulled my family together and made us all tighter - my auntt and m are now talking and close (never saw that coming) and I get along with mums boyfriend even ! Just more positives from the situation. As above - everything happens for a reason, maybe we meeded this to bring us all together.

I love you mum xox


  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,322
    edited March 2015
    What a beautiful daughter you are. Worrying for and admiring your Mum all at once. I don't know how old you are, but you look young in your pic. My daughter is 14 and just lovely. I think she coped really well through my treatment, but only today she was telling me how one of her friend's Dad has been diagnosed with cancer. She told me that she is supporting her friend as she knows just what she is going through with a parent with cancer. She said she would always be there for her friend if she ever needed to talk to anyone about it. I said to my daughter who did she talk to when she needed someone. She looked at me and said you Mum.
    So keep talking to your Mum. I had my first mastectomy two years ago, and my second just recently when I had a reconstruction. Your Mum sounds strong, and she will most likely be ok. She will have moments like you do too. It's a great thing that she is surrounded by a loving family. Take care, and remember it's ok to bawl to Dolly Parton from time to time.
    Hugs to you and your Mum.
    Paula :)
  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited March 2015
    I have a gorgeous daughter just like you!If you look at the post I wrote which is just before yours,calledMy Book,you will see just how important daughters are to their Mums at a time like this.I agree with Mum2jj,keep talking to your Mum.My daughter works full time,and for the last 6 months,through my mastectomy and chemo,she has sent me txt messages every day.eg.Are you ok mum? How are u feeling Mum? Do you want me to bring anything home Mum? and lots more.At night before she would go to bed,she always said,I have my phone next to my bed,if you need me,just call me! Yes it is good that she won't need radiation too.That was the same as me.Keep on talking to your Mum,and bawl your eyes out when you have to.Its perfectly normal.Keep in touch on here,we would love to hear how your Mum is doing.Sending you a big hug.Love Robynxoxox
  • tenayahjade
    tenayahjade Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2015
    Thankyou ladies - its always nice to hear from someone who completely understands.
    Mum definitely is not an open person so its really hard to tell what she needs or what helps. But im here as much as I can be to help her out. I'll be the one taking hrr to every chemo session and i am just around the corner when she ever needs it.

    She definitely isn't one to ask for help though so thats the hardest part.
    Its great to hear you both have such loving and caring daughters by your side.

    The bond between a mother and daughter certainly is like nothing else.

  • Cheekyvicki
    Cheekyvicki Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2015
    Hi my beautifiul neice you are strong and amazing you are there for your mum and staying strong but its normal for you to break down from time to time its sad your mum is going through this and what your doing for her now is perfect babe and i know she appreciates it and loves you for it, its great the bond yous have cause its what you both need but you know already we are all here for you too babe as we love you both very much xoxo p.s. I keep breaking down too at the oddest times babe so im glad its not just me hehe
  • Cheekyvicki
    Cheekyvicki Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2015
    Hi my beautifiul neice you are strong and amazing you are there for your mum and staying strong but its normal for you to break down from time to time its sad your mum is going through this and what your doing for her now is perfect babe and i know she appreciates it and loves you for it, its great the bond yous have cause its what you both need but you know already we are all here for you too babe as we love you both very much xoxo p.s. I keep breaking down too at the oddest times babe so im glad its not just me hehe