Wednesday Jan 29

Hello and thank you everyone for encouraging me to join the online group. I have joined the Perth one and a 2 person face-to-face group down here in Mandurah. You are all amazing.
Hospital appointments yesterday were not as bad as I had worried about! Just some more waiting.
Dissappointed a little as I was told no treatment can start until my arm heals or is fixed by surgery.
I just want to get on with chemo and get this breast off. My tumor is sticking out and now hurts. It's getting ready to ulcerate.
My mental state is much better (a couple of valium is helping Lol) I had to take them yesterday to calm me down over those big machines you enter.
To-day the doc is phoning with the results of yesterday which I suspose is if they found other tumors or bone cancer. I think I can handle any news now.
What a few weeks!
On top of being strapped up since Oct like a chicken ready for the oven. If I watch another film or read another book I feel I shall go crackers.
I have always been a doer.
Everyone have as good a day as you can.
Chins up girls.
Hey Sarah I am so glad you have connected with people in both Mandurah and also with us luvlies here in Perth.
The unknown is the worst I think and then comes the waiting. I am glad you were able to calm yourself down ready for the luvly good old MRI trip. I will keep my fingers crossed for you for nothing but the best possible results you can receive.
Remember to pop on here for a chat anytime night or day. This site and all the luvly pink sisters have been and continue to be my lifeline over the last two years and have become like my second family.
Thinking of you, lots of luv, Mich xoxo