
Hi everyone, just a little note to say hello. I was diagnosed in October, having my lumpectomy done on the 25th and am now a week or so past the completion of 25 radiation rounds. My margins were clear and no lymnode involvement. I was lucky enough to excape chemo and am now working on possibly returning to work! The last three months have been a rollercoaster to say the least and for the most part I am strong and happy, still am yet to shake the feeling that my life have changed and dont know what im meant to be learning from it all really. I know I have alot to be thankfull for and I truly take my hat off to those facing a more ominous prognosis. However my emotional state is still a little shatterd for whatever reason. Looking forward to connecting with others that understand and possibly wanting to meet. A girl can never have too many friends they say!
Hey Erica
Sounds like you are one lucky lady if you can call having BC lucky!!!! You have escaped so much with no chemo and no node involement and sounds like you have come through the radiotherapy reasonably well and have bounced back rearing to go which is fantastic news and good on you girlfriend.
One thing you can take from this is you have been given a second chance and you have been lucky. That alone will probably make you sit back and take a look at your life and reassess any stress in your life, any crap you can dump to make your life more pleasurable. You can look at looking after number one better if you need to. You can assess your life and think of what you CAN change. Realise you are strong to make it through and come out the other side of your roller coaster ride.
It took me ages to work out why I have gone through this whole roller coaster ride and I still don't really know why. I do know that I have connected with so many beautiful people and I do so pretty much on a daily basis nos. These beautiful people know what I have been thru and what i am going through so they are very special. I do know that it is important to try and make everyone who is diagnosed and has the courage to come on the website and put up a post feel welcome and not alone as that is what this site did for me. I do know that it has taught me to luv and cherish all my family and friends who have been there for me during this ongoing process and to drop the ones who don't care. It has taught me not to sweat the small stuff. It has taught me to appreciate the lil things in life. It has taught me that I am the most important person in my life and then comes my luv'd ones.
It will take you time to readjust your thinking now you have finished your treatment but I just say good on you and revel in the moment and well done for having been so strong. Wishing you an easy time settling back in to work and your "new normal" life.
Lots of luv always, Mich xoxoxoxox
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Hi Mich, I really do appreaciate your words of encouragement, love and wisdom. I certainly have been given a second chance or 20 if truth be known. And it does make the important things some-what magnified..and so they should be.
To say I feel blessed and fortunate to be living in a country and day and age where I have accsess to site's like this, would be an understatement!
Thanks mate