A Gift

Well this is my first blog.
I was diagnosed in Dec 2013 with breast cancer. Had a mastectomy 9th Jan 2014.
And was told on the 17th Jan that the cancer was in a lymph node. Bugger.
All that was ok. I knew that this was something that the body wanted to express.
Being in the high risk catagory with two terminal breast cancers in the family the system wants me to go down the chemo and radiation track.
So I started looking further a field at other alternatives such as the natural path.
Keeping my options open I went to see the Oncologist to see what normal medicine had to offer.
When I walked into that cancer clinic my whole being wanted to scream and run the other way.
I sat and listened along with my husband. I took the info home and read the nightmare of possible side effects.
Well this little black duck is going to tell the "normal' treatment to take a hike. I am not doing chemo.
I have decided after a lot of research and talking to others who have done the same thing and listening to what my inner self wants is to take Black Salve tonic { blood root herbal tonic} along with Herb Robert tincture.
So I have started to do that today.
I am the type of person who looks at the bigger picture and to what my soul is telling me.
Now I have made that decision my whole being is calm. After all it is my body & not anyone elses opinion but I will listen to others with compassion & love.
So girls listen to what your heart tells you. You may want to go the normal track or you may want to try the alternative way. Whatever you choose it is perfect.
After all every breath is a gift. This experience that I am going through I see as a gift. A gift that is providing me with an oportunity for me to grow in awareness of self.
I would like to say welcome also:)Because you put your story on the blog,I assume you are hoping for responses,so I will tell my story.However,I would like to say,that your decision is respected ,as is everyone's.We are all very different,and travel through life along different pathways.Then sometimes in places like this,we meet others,with different beliefs and life stories.I like to think that we can enrich each other's lives.I was diagnosed last year,and it was a bolt out of the blue.I have always prided myself on my healthy lifestyle,and never expected anything like this.I went to the chemo education day(I went to RPA in Sydney)and after a tour of the chemo unit,I came away feeling terribly upset,and scared out of my wits.i don't know how old you are,but I am 59.However,for me,I would have been more scared,not to have chemo.I remembered how afraid I was before my mastectomy,and it was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING as I had imagined.I read blogs,of Tonya,and others(I spen many days and nights just reading)and I decided,that for me,I was going to give it everything I had!!!So even though I believed I was super healthy,I stepped it up a notch! I went through chemo,and it was NOTHING as I had thought.I found it pretty easy,dare I say,however I know there are those that don't.I strongly believe though,that my general health before chemo,and all the things that I did during chemo,helped me immensely with the side effects.Things like super healthy diet,exercise,mindfulness etc.I am just over 4 weeks past my last chemo.I feel just great,and I am walking/running/bike riding about 6 k a day.I am looking forward to the future with my husband and hopefully grandchildren sooner ,rather than later!!!Well that is my story.I want to wish you all the best in your journey,and look forward to hearing from you again.With love and respect.xoxox Robyn0
Welcome I read your blog. My first thoughts (trying not to make any judgements) "oh no" and my memory went back to a wonderful lady I knew who went down the alternate way. Who knows if her outcome would have been the same if she had chosen the medical way. Then I thought of all of my dear friends who went down the chemo way and the challenged life that they had with the same outcome. I am trying to be honest here but not scare-mongering. I have some similar views to yourself and always said that I would never touch chemo. (my body doesn't like drugs). I like my "twin" Tonya have had two diagnosis of bc. My first in 2006 with a lumpectomy, radiation and tamoxifen. I had no node involvement and chose not to have chemo as the "add on" was not a high enough % for me as opposed to the possible side effects. I was only 50 and needed to earn a living. Then in 2010 I was diagnosed with a secondary tumour in the same breast. I had a lumpectomy, radiation, arimidex and "lined up" for chemo - no questions about it at all. I wanted to do the best to rid my body of this curse. I was terrified of putting this poison into my body. I survived. I do still have ongoing side effects after more than 3 years post chemo. They are lessening all the time with exercise, good living, healthy thinking and as little stress as possible. I love life and live the best I can and am grateful for the decisions I have made re my treatment. Each decision has always been my best at that time. And that is the same for yourself. Whatever you decide is whatever is best for YOU at that point in time. I wish you all the best with your journey. I will look forward to future updates from you. It is not what challenges are thrown at us it is how we deal with them and bounce back from them. XLeonie
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It is such a hard call, we must be true to ourselves and do what we feel is right.
I chose the traditional medicine path and whilst I have not beern the happiest little vegemite I am through the other side and here to tell the tale.
My oldest sister had cervical cancer and after surgery she chose the alternative path and she is also alive to tell the tale.
So do what sits well with you, I wish you good luck and an easy journey along this road.
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Hello Namaste, sorry to say "welcome", but you do very welcome to join in..... It's so true being frastrated when knowing the issue happened in ourself, and the final decision was "I' the one to make. I support your truthfulness to yourself and your belief. I believe the mood and the passion is far more important than simply just medication. How I wish I am confident enough to say NO to the doctors, but I am afraid I make wrong decision ...... I
You sounds very positive and firm, cancer won't knock you down. Send you a big hug and kisses, keep us update how you go........
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hi there--i had a 'teeny eeny' lymph node involvement as well but all through my treatment has been minimal intervention, idont have the family history but my oncologist said most women dont. i thought i was on a alternative path of radiation and hormone treatment-- however when i started radiation therapy at cancer specialist institute i was told my treatment was 'standard' and none of the public oncologists there would recommend chemotherapy for me. My life continued pretty much as normal and i did notice the effects chemotherapy had on women in the waiting room and this too validated my treatment path. I would have chemotherapy if this made a big difference to my survival rate ---but i liked how my oncologist seem to really be mindful about applying chemotherapy. That time between when i thought i would have chemo to my first appt with oncologist was really awful--so when he said his recommendation was no chemo--that was a great feeling; take your time, you can have medical and natural approaches. I really liked the courage of my surgeon not to refer to her hospital colleagues and i think there is courage of women who listen to their own intuition
best wishes
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Thank you to all of you who have posted to my comments.
I honor each and everyone of you in your journey.
I said in my earlier comment that I saw the cancer as a gift. For me it is a gift of empowerment with the opportunity of discovering more about myself.
I hold no fear over death for I have had dealings with death before seeing loved ones pass over and having loved ones for others come through.
My experiences with that has given me the knowledge that death isn't the end only a transition to another experience.
We each have our own beliefs for that is what makes us amazing.
Sitting here and feeling into you all I have so much gratitude for you all have touched my heart.
Be the Grace & Joy
p.s. My name is Prudence-Mary
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Hi Donna,
I get Prue and when I was small I would get Prudence if I was naughty, which was often.
Lot's of my friends call me Prudence-Mary which is my name and I use it for my public name for I do readings at expo's etc .
I used to not like my name but now I wear it with happiness.
Many Blessings to you.
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I note there are many expos travelling around Melbourne, one recently in frankston and another this weekend coming.
For my work I use Donna-Ann but for my everyday life I am Donna, when growing up I didn't like my name either I thought it sounded elitist or along those lines but as an adult I decided to embrace it.
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I note there are many expos travelling around Melbourne, one recently in frankston and another this weekend coming.
For my work I use Donna-Ann but for my everyday life I am Donna, when growing up I didn't like my name either I thought it sounded elitist or along those lines but as an adult I decided to embrace it.
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Hi Donna,
I am not in Vic but Tasmania but I do go to the MBS Expo in Melbourne when it is on.
Isn't it lovely to embrace the wisdom within as you go through the stages of "woman hood".