Why do we Google?

Hi, I am Kate, I am 32 and have been having bloody discharge from my R nipple for over 12 months. First ultrasound showed nothing but after consistant discharge I went back to my breast Dr.
Another ultra-sound and two Mammograms (in the same day) and I have no conclusive answers. This happened today!!!
The radiographer told me I have no major cancers in my breasts and the Dr at the radiology office said he would writer the report and let my specialist explain it to me.
I am confused, scared and took to google after hearing them talk about calcification and seeing white dots on my films.
So basically, I dont have a diagnosis of BC, and according to google (yes, I know, why do we do it) it is a 50/50 shot.
Has anyone had anyting similar happen that can shed some light on things for me.
I have an appt with my specialist on Monday..
I am so sorry you are confused and scared, I do understand thet you will need to discuss results with your doctor and until then I suspect that the reassurances from the the radiographer and radiolofist will do little to alay your fears.
When I was around your age i had a similar experience of bloody discharge from a nipple. I was very scared as I have a family history of breast cancer . I lost my mother and grandmother to this disease. Like you I was very scared and was sceduled to have a biopsy. I waited some days for the pathology result. Fortunately the results were good and I did not have Bc. That was some 30 years ago. However I still remember the rollercoaster of emotions I travelled at that time.
I was diagnosed with BC in October of 2000 and had a Mastectomy and chemo. I am now well.
I have no wish to deny your feelings but want to suggest that you take one day at a time and try to distract yourself with activities that make you feel good until you see you doctor.
Good luck on Monday. Be kind to yourself.
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Sorry to hear you have this worry.You are young and your breasts maybe dense and hard to read on a mammogram?Hopefully,your specialist will offer you a good explanation next Monday.But if you are not convinced then perhaps ask him if an MRI would be more helpful. Tonya xx
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ive had a bit of a similiar expereince where i thought there were 4 cancers--from trying to read the report but with breast surgeon --only one needing removal and cancer; so it can be reassuring to gothrough results with specialist
best wishes