New to BCNA, sadly not new to cancer.

Hi all,
Just wanted to introduce myself after recently joining the group. I'm fourth generation breast cancer (predominantly Male carriers in my family aside from myself which is 'rare'), a BRCA2 carrier and have now been diagnosed myself with a ductal carcinoma (12mm BRE grade III) and metastatic carcinoma in my sentinel lymph node in November 2013.
In the past 6 weeks I've had a lumpectomy with sentinel lymph node removal and followed by an axillary dissection. Chemo to start in the first week of Jan for a min of 20 weeks (eeek).
I'm 38, living in Melbourne... I was my dad's carer and lost him to secondaries two years ago. Anyhow, enough about me - just wanted to introduce myself and hope to get to know a little bit about others going similar experiences.
Welcome to this wonderful network. Not that you want to be here. You will find lots of support here and hopefully you won't feel alone. We are all here to help you through with love, friendship and understanding. No judgements here. Have you got you 'My Journey Kit' yet? I got mine within a couple of weeks after diagnosis and I must admit I didn't look at it for quite a few more weeks after that. But when I finally did, I found it invaluable.
PETA I'm so sorry you lost your Dad through this horrible desease and then to have it yourself. I guess you know all about chemo already watching your Dad and that might have made it twice as scary for you. But remember we all have different experiences and you could breeze through it all. Where abouts in Melbourne do you live Peta? I am north of Melbourne and travel in to Peter Mac for treatment every three weeks. Finished chemo end of June but still having Herceptin until end of May. I'm one year post diagnosis and I'm doing well.
Sending you hugs and love
Janey xxx
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My wonderful breast care nurse ordered My Journey Kit as soon as we met and I received it a few weeks ago. Like you I'm only starting to feel like I can have a proper look now that some of the tests, surgeries and appointments have lulled.
I was lucky in some ways with dad, he was given six months to live from pancreatic cancer before he was diagnosed with breast as well - we ended up having him for 7 years after his first diagnosis which is uncommon with pancreatic.
I live in Brunswick though we are about to move (renting unfortunately) right in the middle of chemo! I'll be having my treatment at either Peter Mac or Freemasons, meeting the oncologist to get the ball rolling.
We've thankfully avoided radiation but due to the grade of my cancer it seems its going to be a long run of chemo. Then double mastectomies/reconstruction further down the track. 2014 is going to be a little crazy!
I'm still very new to all the meds, terms, acronyms as my situation is a bit different to dads (older and already terminal so less aggressive treatment towards the end) so learning so much every day.
Thanks so much for your message!
x Peta
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Hi PETA,I was diagnosed with a ductal carcinoma like you.I didn't have lymph node involvement.I had a mastectomy then chemo,which I had my last dose of 2 weeks ago.I am sorry to hear of the loss of your Dad,but as Janey said,chemo is different for everyone.I personally found it not bad at all.And do you know what?It is this network of wonderful ladies that helped me so much all the way through.So keep in touch on here,and you will find help,advice and support for almost everything you need.Take care.Nice to meet you:) xoxoxoRobyn0
It's great you found the network, and you've already been through a lot without your bc. You sound like a very positive person , and that's what keeps us going that fighter that seems to live in us all.the my journey kit is invaluable, and the new pamphlet for partners, I wish I could fix it is great for others around us, you can download it here. Hope to see you blog again . Regards adean0
I can highly recommend Peter Mac. All the staff from the tea lady in the Chemo Unit to the breast surgeon, Professor Michael Henderson, have been absolutely wonderful.
How awful that you have to move right in the middle of chemo. As well as your family, I hope you have some nice friends who will help you pack everything up.
Your 2014 sounds like my 2013. Crazy! I had lumpectomy and 2 sentinel nodes removed. My two cancers were successfully removed with clear margins and the nodes were also clear. But I had extension DCIS (pre cancer cells) left abutting the margins in my left breast and so I needed 6 months of chemo then mastectomy. I decided on having my right breast removed as well and immediate reconstruction of both. I also avoided radiation. So although I'm still having three weekly Herceptin treatments and I'll need further surgery, I'm glad 2013 is behind me now.
Peta if you feel up to it anytime, I'm organising a group of a Melbourne ladies to meet informally once a month in the new year. I met with three ladies from this network just prior to Christmas and I found it was fantastic to actually talk face to face. We talked and talked, laughed and compared notes so to speak. There are five ladies interested so far so it will be a nice intimate little group. We will meet in the city area. I entirely understand if you're not ready for this though. Just thought I'd let you know.
Janey xxx0 -
I suspect my 2014 might be just like your 2013 from the sounds of it.
I'm about to start chemo for at least 20 weeks and then once that is all clear I'll be having a double bilateral mastectomy/reconstruction and potentially my ovaries removed down the track as well (closer to menopausal age though I hope). Damn genetics
I would really love to come along to your meet up. Whilst I have a wonderful group of friends, I'm definitely feeling that speaking to others who understand and have experienced this journey would help a lot.
Thanks so much x
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Nice to 'meet' you too
I'll be having the chemo then a double mastectomy once things settle.
I'm not too worried about chemo, I know I can get through that and its necessary - I think it's just the unknown at this point and how my body will handle it that causes some anxiety. Only a week and a half and I'll be underway so not long to go now.
I'm not sure if congratulations is the right word for finishing up with your chemo treatment - I hope you did something nice to celebrate however.
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Thanks for the tip - as everything has happened SO quickly my partner is still in a bit of a state of shock, as are my kids. None of us really know what to expect here on in so I think the Journey Kit will be of huge help to us all.
I shall definitely check out the pamplet for my partner!
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That's great Peta. If you go to my blob 'Calling all Melbournites' link here
and just make a comment, I can let you know when the group is up and running probably when the BCNA team return from hols.
Janey xxx0