Last Surgery over with

mgndam1603 Member Posts: 753
edited 2013 29 in General discussion

Hi There Pink Sisters,

Well I am done and dusted and it feels so good. I have had my very last surgery last week , today I had my stitches out and that is it for me I say. I am feeling so elated right now, though just a little apprehensive waiting for some results.

I had my 1 year mammogram on Monday and what a surprise, it really hit me when I walked through those doors and I was a mess. Anyway I managed to pull myself together and get past it, I have my Breast specilaist appointment next Monday so fingers crossed its an all clear.

Ladies the elation I feel right now is awesome, I have even spoken to the doctor and plan to resume full-time work on the 9th December, up until then its been a slow ease back into the work force. I am tired there is no denying that, its been one hell of a year and to hand a year of your life over to anything is hard but to cancer................ this is it I am reclaiming my life and cancer you can't have one more bit of me.

So my beautiful pink sisters, those that have supported me I thank-you, those that have passed I grieve for you and those starting the journey I will be here for you.

Sending my love to you all



  • Janey235
    Janey235 Member Posts: 1,206
    edited 2015 03
    How wonderful you must feel. You've barred those nasty little buggers from ever getting at you again. One year is too long to give. But you've gotten through and jumping for joy. Well perhaps not jumping quite yet LOL. Well done. The darkness is gone.
    Bring on 2014.
    Love Janey xxx
  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited 2015 03
    2014 is going to be your year!I have always read your blog postings with interest.I love your statement that you are reclaiming your life.GO FOR IT! ALL THE BEST!Love from Robynxoxoxoxox
  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited 2015 03
    2014 is going to be your year!I have always read your blog postings with interest.I love your statement that you are reclaiming your life.GO FOR IT! ALL THE BEST!Love from Robynxoxoxoxox
  • mgndam1603
    mgndam1603 Member Posts: 753
    edited 2015 03

    HI Ladies,

    well what a ride its been of late.

    I am now back to work full-time and its certainly a challenge. I get so tired and my neck and shoulders ache as the day goes along, on the positive side though its fantastic being with people again, its wonderful earning money and I love feeling usful.

    When the time is right ladies embrace getting your life back it is so wonderful.

    Have a Merry and safe Christmas and I wish every one of you good health.



  • Janey235
    Janey235 Member Posts: 1,206
    edited 2015 03
    Thank you Donna and the very same wishes back to you.
    Love Janey xxx
  • Hazel M
    Hazel M Member Posts: 708
    edited 2015 03

    Thanks Donna, wishing you a wonderful festive season. Take care,

    Hazel xx

  • Hazel M
    Hazel M Member Posts: 708
    edited 2015 03

    Thanks Donna, wishing you a wonderful festive season. Take care,

    Hazel xx