My first post

Well this is my first blog I had my 3 rd dose of taxol and as per the last 3 Tuesday nights I am still wide awake and can't sleep....I am guessing its the dexamthasone .....I admire all those women who are being productive and are cleaning their homes at night....I wish I could but my energy levels are very low and my pain levels in my legs are very high!!! Not a good combo...would love a friend to chat to....based in the last few weeks I will be wake till about 4am...ahhhhhhhhh
Any suggestions???
Hey Kerri
I so remember those days and nights.............................Welcome to this site and so glad you have found us.
Yep you are dead right that it is definitely the Dex that is keeping you awake and I am with you in that I would have loved to have cleaned my house etc. but the fatigue and pain didn't allow me to do this.
I hope you have a great GP or chemo onco who is working with you to keep your pain under control. I think I was very much an exception to the rule with my pain though but I was suffering fibromyalgia prior to starting chemo so it didn't help.
There is no need for you to suffer with pain throughout your chemo and once chemo is finished the pain will decrease dramatically so it is not like you will become addicted etc.
I can relate and know where you are coming from. Have you got friends or family offering to help???? I am sure you have so if so put them to work cleaning, washing and ironing. They will be so grateful that they are able to help in some way. For me in the end I had to opt for getting assistance through Cancer Council as there wasn't family and friends available to support me. Cancer Council are amazing. Not sure where you live but in W.A. there is also Breast Cancer Care W.A. which is another fabulous service available.
I am wishing you all the very best and hope you manage to get some sleep and can reduce the pain. Talk to your chemo onc also about reducing the Dex so you can get more sleep.
Lots of love always, Mich xoxoxoxo
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Hi Kerri,
I sooooo sympathise with you. I had terrible bone pain on Docetaxel and the only thing to helped me was extra Dexamethasone so no sleep for me. I'd be awake most of the night and only dozed off and on through the day. I was in zombie mode
Sounds like you are having weekly doses, I had them every three weeks so at least I could recover in the third week just in time to have the next one. Don't worry about being active. At the moment your body is being bombarded with toxins and using all your energy repairing itself. You need plenty of rest at this time. I didn't get much done at all right throughout my six months of chemo and at first I felt really guilty but now I look back and know that I needed to be extra kind to myself. So be kind to yourself now and let others help. Soon it will be over.
Lots of love Janey xxx
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Hi Kerri,
I just wanted to jump in and say hi/welcome :-)
It looks like you are finding your way around the online network and you have already connected in with some of the women who share your pain - in particular the lack of sleep! I hope it starts to get easier for you and as Janey said 'be extra kind to yourself' throughout this time.
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Hi Kerri,
I just wanted to jump in and say hi/welcome :-)
It looks like you are finding your way around the online network and you have already connected in with some of the women who share your pain - in particular the lack of sleep! I hope it starts to get easier for you and as Janey said 'be extra kind to yourself' throughout this time.