My latest photo

I have a new photo of my hair, the sides are longer than the fringe area, so I dont get that. We laugh about it though. I also am still yearning to colour it, and holding off because my husband tells me he likes it like it is. I know I wont feel as confident going back to work with grey hair. I just felt younger before it fell out and its as simple as that. Short hair is easy though isnt it...... This is a month old now - must take another one!
It really suits you. I can't really see the colour, is it dark grey? Nice.
I have had my first haircut to control the long sides and shirt top. Weird look. I had a pixie cut, but really it's just short. And because its a bit curly and very thick it sometimes just looks like nana a hair. Nothing wrong with nana hair, it's just that I'm not a nana.
I'd put up a photo but I don't have any that are nice. I actually find short hair difficult. There is nothing to work with. And I think it makes me look harsh. But others say it suits me and makes me look young.
I miss my long hair.
I have coloured it though, back to my dark brown, makes me look warmer I think.
Anyway, good to see you moving forward and getting back into work.
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It really suits you. I can't really see the colour, is it dark grey? Nice.
I have had my first haircut to control the long sides and shirt top. Weird look. I had a pixie cut, but really it's just short. And because its a bit curly and very thick it sometimes just looks like nana a hair. Nothing wrong with nana hair, it's just that I'm not a nana.
I'd put up a photo but I don't have any that are nice. I actually find short hair difficult. There is nothing to work with. And I think it makes me look harsh. But others say it suits me and makes me look young.
I miss my long hair.
I have coloured it though, back to my dark brown, makes me look warmer I think.
Anyway, good to see you moving forward and getting back into work.
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I think it suits you too. Can't see much grey, you ought to see mine. No I'm not ready to show anyone yet. I have white longish sides and shorter grey on top with still little patches not growing in yet. Looks weird. Can't wait to dye it. I have heard that it shouldn't be dyed for about six months after chemo. Is that right? Ugh!
Bel you really look lovely.
Love Janey xxx0 -
I think the hair issue is one of the big things that stops us feeling back to normal. I thought it would be wonderful to finish Chemo and be able to get back out into the world without the immune system issues. Instead I find myself lacking confidence to go out by myself. I don't look like 'me' without proper eyebrows, eyelashes and hair.
Despite the assurances of loved ones that I look fine with my wig, I don't like the bare eyes and have never been one to wear make-up. I have sensitive eyes and hate putting makeup near them. But I am annoyed with myself for letting how I look affect my confidence and restrict my life! I think it is the aging effect of all this that is the hardest bit to adjust to. Like you said Bel you just felt younger with your original hair!
It is only 4 weeks tomorrow since my last Chemo but I am already a little impatient to see some real hair growth. I think it must be a little like 'a watched pot never comes to the boil'. I keep looking but nothing is happening! I am trying to concentrate on the positives of no hair growth - no hairy legs or bikini line issues! But at the end of the day I just want to look like the old me.
Being a hairdresser Bel, you would know, would a temporary colour be gentler on the new hair growth and give you a chance to gauge whether you feel better without the grey? I have concerns about the chemicals in hair dyes but figure that you have to balance this with needing to feel confident and claim back your life. I just need some hair to come back first!
Your husband sounds wonderful, Bel, always preferring the real you. I guess at the end of the day we should all appreciate that we have been through some pretty traumatic treatment and as we emerge from this we may take a while to feel and look like our old selves. I just hate the waiting!
Deanne xx
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Hi Deanne, the bald face look is difficult. I found it hard even just around the house. I always penciled on fake eyebrows. It instantly changed how I felt. I could manage better once I had done that one small thing. I learned how to do it online.
I also went with false lashes when I went out. I know they say not to probably because of the glue, but heck, don't we want just a little bit of normal sometimes.
Xxxlouie0 -
Deanne, you have put into words exactly how I'm feeling. It's been three months since my last chemo (wow, I can't believe that). My hair is growing back but it's still extremely short, completely grey and a bit patchy in the front. My family all say that I look good but I don't believe them, they are just being family. I do not have the confidence to ditch the scarves just yet and certainly feel quite vulnerable. My eyebrows and lashes are slowly coming back though I still feel I have that 'bald' sick look.
Not long before all this started some girlfriends and I were talking about hair colour and I said I was definitely not ready for going al-a-naturale. No grey haired old lady look for me. How ironic that I now have no choice. I still feel that I'm too young for the grey look but I guess I will get used to it.
There is no getting away from the fact the this journey has aged me. I'm not old but I feel aged.
Janey xxx0 -
Your hair is lovely! I always thought your profile photo was nice too. My grey is that awful iron grey grizzly look. It's curling slightly at the sides but dead straight on top. Hope it manages to grow out as nice as yours. Can't wait.
Love Janey xxx0 -
Hi Michelle, you are so elegant and beautiful. Your colour really suits you, and easy too if its natural.
So how long is this from treatment finishing? I am looking forward to that hair style.
L:)0 -
Thank you girls - you are both so beautiful yourselves, hair or no hair. Louie, my hair fell out after chemo - had to be different! That was early August last year - it took till November to grow back in all over, and my profile photo was taken in July this year after 1st haircut.
I found gel combed through the curls when it was wet acted as a straightener (a strong gel!) and when combed out dry, it was nearly straight, just a slight wave. The first growth was the worst to control, but it's nearly all cut away now. It is an easy style to manage.
Love to you both. Michelle xxxx
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Aren't children prescious. Love the Karate reference. When I was in hospital I didn't bother to cover up my head, I was the only one of us to have not much hair out if the four ladies and when one of the ladies' grandson came in, he said, "nanny why is that man in your room"? We all laughed.
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My long black hair is growing back white! The kids think it feels like a kitten's fur. I'm OK going out bald, I hate my wigs too. If ppl are going to look at me, I may as well give them a reason to!
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My long black hair is growing back white! The kids think it feels like a kitten's fur. I'm OK going out bald, I hate my wigs too. If ppl are going to look at me, I may as well give them a reason to!
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The last Chemo I had, with the one that takes your hair, was at the end of Jan this year. My sides are 6cms long and the fringe/top only half that. In theory, healthy thick hair grows 1cm per month ! My hair is fine, but I have a lot of it. I was told that there isnt any scientific evidence to prove that permanent colours/tints cause cancer. I went on the Website recommended by BCNA to ask. However, the main issue for me, having sensitive skin, would be if I get a reaction or not. Semi permanent colours dont cover grey hair by the way, so the weak colours have a translucent or no effect on greys. You need a permanent colour to cover them. It is recommended to do skin tests, which means placing a dot of the intended colour behind your ear, on skin. Wait 48 hours, then do it again. Normal people should do it once. If your dot doesnt react then its ok!
As time went by, I did regain my confidence, but it was easier for me because I didnt know many people here any way. I quickly went through the stages of feeling vulnerable and "Who cares what they think!" Lets face it, is anyone going to tap you on the shoulder and say, "What's going on with you?" I see a lot worse out there, than what we have looked like. I was self conscious for awhile wearing my wig, and thought "It looks like a wig!" and sure everyone was thinking, she is wearing wig. Once again, it was just my thoughts I could hear. Then my eyebrows grew back, and my lashes and I though, oh what about this grey hair and no fringe thing on my head....... Wow, am I a tough judge of character..... on myself! I finaly "manned up" and walked in and saw my boss with my short grey, curly hair and guess what, he didnt treat me any differently. Here I thought he had given me the job for my hair! Thank goodness for make up though, its never too late to teach yourself the basics. xx Bel
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Heres me over a year!
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Heres me over a year!