Revision complete

LouiseTurner Member Posts: 1,600
edited October 2013 in General discussion

Hi ladies

I havent posted on this main blog for a while, mainly because not too much has been happening for me other than waiting.

So I have now had revision surgery after my main TRAM flap reconstruction back in April. And I am very happy.

This was a very quick hospital visit, again first thing in the morning with surgery underway by about 9am after they sourced the appropriate table, then awake in recovery by 11.30am (this time 11.30am instead of the 11.30 pm like last time).

I was a little worried leading up to the surgery about what revisions would be done. I had quite a few areas i wanted revised, but of course the guilt I carried during reconstruction (because I am lucky enough to be having it when so many ladies cant) was stopping me from speaking up. But after being involved in the private Breast Reconstruction blog I have learned a lot so am very happy that I took a virtual list and managed the short time before the surgery to go though it with the surgeons in detail.

So I have had all the ugly bits revised, recut and resewn, the breasts tightened up and reshaped and my belly button centered properly.

I am wrapped up very tightly this time which is a bit different to last time. And i get unwarapped on Friday when the GP checks the wounds. Then back to get stiches out of the belly button and in a few weeks follow up with the plastic surgeon consultant.

I did stay overnight, but this was my choice. Apparently most revisions are day surgery. i was happy to have the choice. So i am home and very comfortable, taking just panadol when the pain flares up.

I look forward to the unveliing on Friday and hope at it as good as it seems, then in a few months will have nipples reconstructed and tatooed. By this stage I will be finished Herceptin and commencing tamoxofin (which I have been putting off to the disguct of my oncologist).

So if you are considering breast reconstruction TRAM flap i would highly recommend it, totally worth the difficult recovery. I have lovely soft warm breasts.

I will be updating my story in the private Breast Reconstruction blog with photos. If you are considering breast reconstruction you might be interested in joining the blog. There are many women sharing their photo stories and some great discussion. It makes such a difference speaking to others who have been there. Just click the link above and request membership.




  • Janey235
    Janey235 Member Posts: 1,206
    edited March 2015
    I'm so pleased that everything has gone off without a hitch for you and that the revision didn't take too long. I look forward to your unwrapping and your new photos.

    Love Janey xxx
  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    I'm so glad it all went well for you and good luck with the unveiling. Tonya xx

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    I'm so glad it all went well for you and good luck with the unveiling. Tonya xx

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    I'm so glad it all went well for you and good luck with the unveiling. Tonya xx

  • LouiseTurner
    LouiseTurner Member Posts: 1,600
    edited March 2015

    Thanks Tonya, nice to hear from you. I hope you are doing well. XXX