Head scarves

Erica Shadiac
Erica Shadiac Member Posts: 190
edited June 2013 in General discussion

I 'ran into' an acquaintance when I did the Mothers Day walk for BC. She had done the BC journey about 12 months ago. We chatted and she told me of this great website in the UK where you can get scarves.


These are ready to just pull on. You can do some tying on some if you want to. So easy!

She had had trouble finding anything she liked here in Adelaide. So I had a look and ordered half a dozen different ones - styles and colours.

They came within a couple of weeks or less.

Love them!


  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    The scarf looks good.There is also another good online place in USA called www.headcovers.com which have a wide selection and very cheap,delivered to your door.

                                     Tonya xx

  • Erica Shadiac
    Erica Shadiac Member Posts: 190
    edited March 2015


    I love the girl in this YouTube clip! I referred to another of her YouTube clips relating to drawing on eyebrows and adding eyelashes. She's good! This one shows how to tie scarves using hair ties. I like it. The scarves I bought from the UK site above are pull-on so really easy. But for variety I do have so many scarves I could try on my head rather than round my neck.

  • Erica Shadiac
    Erica Shadiac Member Posts: 190
    edited March 2015


    I love the girl in this YouTube clip! I referred to another of her YouTube clips relating to drawing on eyebrows and adding eyelashes. She's good! This one shows how to tie scarves using hair ties. I like it. The scarves I bought from the UK site above are pull-on so really easy. But for variety I do have so many scarves I could try on my head rather than round my neck.