JuliAnnette Member Posts: 1
edited April 2013 in General discussion

So far this year has been anything but a good one... made a resolution to loose weight and stop smoking ... was quite happy to do those two the usual way... hard work and determination...

Then in the first week of January my dear friend and my oesteopath for 30 years dies at 54yro... i was totally shocked and saddened .. and 11 days later i am informed i have a malignant tumour ... OMG .. WTF ... this year is quickly going to ruin..

I feel betrayed by my body... and a liability ... where it has always been my job to support others now i have to re-evaluate my whole persona... not sure how ...

Terrified of where this is heading... in such a short time everything has changed so much ... and i know i will never be the same again...and sometimes i fear i am not able to 'do this' .. so many crazy thoughts run through my head


  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    So sorry to hear about your friend and now your own diagnosis.I thought I had finished with a crap decade and 2013 started so well for me.Then out of the blue you hit a brick wall.You are blind sided-you don't see it coming as you walk right into it.My dear mother,who is usually healthier than me,has had major surgery and then got told she has liver cancer with a poor prognosis. She is staying with me till or if she gets her strength back.  I've gone through the breast cancer journey twice and you know what - I'm fine and enjoying life. The second time around made me take stock of my life and make huge changes.They ended up being changes for the better and I am content/happy with my life.I've had to adjust to physical changes but over time you do. I'm not sure what stage you are up to but you WILL be able to do it - we often don't have much choice. Blog back here for support or to vent your fears.I think it helps and you are alone here.

                     Sending hugs,Tonya xx

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    So sorry to hear about your friend and now your own diagnosis.I thought I had finished with a crap decade and 2013 started so well for me.Then out of the blue you hit a brick wall.You are blind sided-you don't see it coming as you walk right into it.My dear mother,who is usually healthier than me,has had major surgery and then got told she has liver cancer with a poor prognosis. She is staying with me till or if she gets her strength back.  I've gone through the breast cancer journey twice and you know what - I'm fine and enjoying life. The second time around made me take stock of my life and make huge changes.They ended up being changes for the better and I am content/happy with my life.I've had to adjust to physical changes but over time you do. I'm not sure what stage you are up to but you WILL be able to do it - we often don't have much choice. Blog back here for support or to vent your fears.I think it helps and you are alone here.

                     Sending hugs,Tonya xx