Hopeful research from QIMR

Hi to all my triple negative sisters,
I heard this interesting news on ABC this morning, here is the link: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-04-16/patients-receive-chemotherapy/4631246
It's about scientists at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR), who say they have found an effective treatment for TNBC in mice.
The scientists hope they could be trialling the treatment in women within five years.
It would be wonderful if it works out and we get more effective treatment for TNBC.
Hey there, I clicked on the ABC link you have up but cannot veiw it :-( Why is that or is there another link to click on?
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Hey there, I clicked on the ABC link you have up but cannot veiw it :-( Why is that or is there another link to click on?
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Hi My name is Lynda from the triple negative awareness support group
The QIMR Berghofter medical research institute in Brisbane is holding a free public forum on Wednesday 16th Oct at 6pm. Subjects Breast Cancer and Immunotherapy. I will be there and taking notes to send out with our once a month newsletter. If you can't attend contact tnbcawarenessgroup@**** to be on the mailing list. We also have a once a month coffee morning, participate in events by bcna and have a facebook site. Regards Lynda