Get Connected Day!

Di_BCNA Member Posts: 896
edited October 2010 in Day to day

Hi all!

Happy Thursday to you all (I seem to have missed Wednesday!) -- here's the Get Connected Day post.

The purpose of the Get Connected post is to provide a place where you can introduce yourself if you'd like to widen your connections.

What to do...

Comment to this post (use the comment form at the bottom of the page) with a short note about yourself and who you're looking to connect to.  Easy!

If you see someone with experience similar to yours, who you'd like to connect to, then just click their username (in their post) and you will end up on their profile page.  Then all you need to do is look on the left side of the page under their picture and you'll see an "add contact" link and follow the prompts.

Why connect to others?

One of the good things about connecting to others, is that all of their blog posts will show up on your homepage in a reading list.  So if you haven't visited the site in a few days, you'll still see what everyone is up to!

Important note

Remember to check your own privacy settings on your "edit" page. There's no need to reveal anything personal or private, but if you want others to connect to you, you should make some of your My Profile settings "public" so others can find out a bit about you (eg. 'my story', 'about' me' and 'breast cancer experience'). 

If you're not sure what to do, you might like to read this post on how to change your privacy settings

Have fun!


(if you want to go back and browse the old 'get connected posts' to find out a bit more about our members, just click on the 'get connected' tag).


  • BarbieSassydiva
    BarbieSassydiva Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2015
    Hello my name is barbara and im looking to join a group and make friends with other women diagnosed with breast cancer.
  • Di_BCNA
    Di_BCNA Member Posts: 896
    edited March 2015

    Hi Barbara, nice to meet you! :) 

    One of the best ways to meet other members is to make a post in your own blog which will then show up on the All posts page (you can see that here, if you haven't already found it: This is a quite old post, so people might not find your comment. 

    To make a blog post, just click on the 'my blog' link in your pink profile box on the right-hand side of the page. When you get to your blog section, you'll see a 'create a post' link up near the top of the page so just click on that and fill in the posting form, then scroll down and click submit. You can post about whatever you like (just remember the online network is public, so only post things you feel comfortable sharing).

    To find an online interest group, go to the Groups search page and search on whatever your interests are: . When you find a group you're interested in, click on the group name, which will take you to the group homepage, and you'll see a 'join' link on the left side under the userpicture.

    Or, if you're looking for a face-to-face group, you can find one in your area by searching the Member Groups section:

    Hope that helps (it's a lot of information!), but just ask if you need a hand.  Welcome again, and I hope you make some good contacts here. :)
