Birthday Date?

Hi Girls,
This is the first time I have written anything so here goes.
When do you say when your birthday date is for being cancer free?
I was diagnosed with breast cancer last March 2012.
Had an op to remove 2 lumps and lymph nodes in early April 2012 followed by chemo and radiation. Finished before xmas.
I hope I havent confused anyone.
Welcome Roxane
No confusion here, brain maybe a tad cloudy but still working ok as far as i can tell
I was diagnosed on Friday 13th December 1993. underwent a mastectomy 17th 1993 and finished treatment mid may 1994.
I have always celebrated my birthday on the day of my mastectomy. I look on it as that was the day i regained my life by removing the cancer from my body.
I celebrate this date every year- sometimes with my family, sometimes friends and sometimes alone.
Many women celebrate different days - day of diagnosis or end of treatment.
I dont think it matters what date you celebrate, as long as you acknowledge the fact that you survived and am still here and living well.
take care and good luckMarls
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Welcome Roxane
No confusion here, brain maybe a tad cloudy but still working ok as far as i can tell
I was diagnosed on Friday 13th December 1993. underwent a mastectomy 17th 1993 and finished treatment mid may 1994.
I have always celebrated my birthday on the day of my mastectomy. I look on it as that was the day i regained my life by removing the cancer from my body.
I celebrate this date every year- sometimes with my family, sometimes friends and sometimes alone.
Many women celebrate different days - day of diagnosis or end of treatment.
I dont think it matters what date you celebrate, as long as you acknowledge the fact that you survived and am still here and living well.
take care and good luckMarls
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Welcome Roxanne
So glad you found us.
I agree with the other girls in that "your" day should be the day that has the most significance for you whether finding the tumour, diagnosis, removal, whatever day works for you and just make it as memorable as possible every year. It doesn't have to be big parties or holidays or anything like that just something that will help you celebrate.
My significant day is my day of disgnosis when I received those dreaded words "I am so sorry but you have breast cancer". That day changed my life forever in so many ways and not all for the worst. So many good things have come from my BC diagnosis and one of the major ones is finding this site and receiving all the love and support which has helped me make it this far.
Good luck in finding your special day.
Lots of love, Mich xoxo