Lobbying Politicians - Safety Net - Health Care Card

Hello all, the following is my first draft of a 'Discussion Paper' that I intend to provide to The Greens and Liberal shadow Health Ministers. The reason why I am only sending it to these two parties is that they have been the only political parties to bother to respond to my earlier email in September last year, which I also posted on my blog.
I encourage you all to read and provide me with your comments before Friday 15th 2013, via my blog. Happy reading!
Discussion Paper
Health Care Cards for Australians diagnosed with a ‘Life Threatening Illness or Chronic Disease’.
The purpose of this discussion paper is to bring to the attention of Australian Politicians the discrimination that exists for people who are diagnosed with a life threatening illness or chronic disease who are not in receipt of a ‘Health Care Card’. As a result of this discrimination they not only have a life threatening illness or chronic disease to battle, but a financial one also.
The cost of being ill
Currently in Australia if you are not in receipt of a ‘Health Care Card’ medications on the PBS are charged at $35.40, pathology $224 (minimum), scans between $400 - $900 etc. Why is that that tax paying, private health insured Australians are made to pay for life saving treatment?
For example on average women diagnosed with breast cancer will undergo several surgeries, ongoing pathologies, medications, scans and require supplements due to the side effects of the life saving medications. This treatment will endure for the majority, for the rest of their lives. The cost for a mother, daughter, sister, aunt and grandmother to want to continue to live in this very wealthy and prosperous country comes at a cost! Isn’t being diagnosed with a life threatening illness or chronic disease already more than enough to have to deal with?
The following needs to be asked and answered by our Government!
1. Why is the current Government, more concerned about coming in on a financial surplus, then helping those who really need the financial help?
2. Isn’t Australia well placed in the global financial forum?
3. Why should an Australian loose their life because they can’t afford to pay for life saving medical treatment?
4. Why should Australians raid their superannuation nest eggs to pay for life saving treatment and medication?
5. Why should Australians have to declare bankruptcy because they can’t afford to pay for life saving treatment?
6. Why should Australians have to sell their dream, the Australian Home, because they can’t afford life saving medical treatment?
5. Why does it come at such a distressing cost to want to continue to live, see your children grow, be there for your grandchildren?
7. Why does the Government not issue to Australians young and old and those with families who have been diagnosed with a life threatening illness or chronic disease with a Health Care Card. This would go a long way in easing the financial burden during a time when it is so important that psychological and physical energies are directed at fighting their illness and not wondering do I have enough money to fight this fight! Or does a child have to witness their parent stress about where the money is going to come to pay for their medical treatment. This is reality!
8. Why doesn’t the Government help people/families in such circumstances, do the Politicians forget who voted them into power. They sit their licking the cream off the pot of milk, earn over $150k and are now eligible to one of the very best superannuation schemes in the world!
Australian Politicians should be ashamed of themselves to make people with life threatening illnesses or chronic diseases, continue to pay for their treatment and medications where they have paid taxes and private health insurance for the majority of their working lives. Just because the person/family earn over a certain amount of money doesn’t mean they have blue blood running through their veins….it is red just like those who already have a ‘Health Care Card’, why the discrimination.
How to assess for Health Care Card
For an Australian who has been diagnosed with a life threatening illness or chronic disease and not in receipt of a Health Care Card, I propose that the following process is adopted:
1. The individual is diagnosed by a treating medical specialist, who confirms the diagnosis in writing along with providing how long medical intervention will be required.
2. The wording from the treating medical specialist must specify for an illness such as a cancer etc the terminology ‘life threatening illness’ will only be accepted the same terminology to be used for chronic illness also.
3. The letter confirming that the individual has been diagnosed with a ‘life threatening illness’, is forwarded to the Department of Health and Community Services – Health Care Card Section - Canberra and a copy provided to the individuals treating General Practitioner for record.
4. Within six weeks of receipt of confirmation letter a ‘Health Care Card’ issued to the individual for the duration that is stipulated on the letter of confirmation. However, there may be occurrences where extension may be required. If this is the case another letter from the treating medical specialist will be required and the previous process to be repeated.
5. During the waiting period of being issued with a ‘Health Care Card’ medications and medical treatments may be required. All receipts for these out of pocket expenses are to be retained. Once in receipt of a ‘Health Care Card’ the individual to lodge a claim with Medicare to have ‘out of pocket expenses’ reimbursed.
6. Department of Health and Community Services will have the option to request a review of retention of a Health Care Card. This will require a second opinion from a medical specialist in the same field, at the cost of Department of Health and Community Services.
7. If unfortunately, the individual passes away all outstanding out of pocket medical expenses will still be reimbursed, however this may take some time depending on estate issues.
The issue of a Health Care Card to individuals diagnosed with a life threatening illness or chronic disease will assist in alleviating the financial burden that these individuals and families face on a daily basis.
At the end of the day we are all Australian and we should all be treated equally.
Hi Leonie.
I totally agree with your comments. I have just read today that the government are scrapping the Medicare safety net and tax rebates for medical expenses. So things are going to get even more expensive. Its shocking that at such a stressful and traumatic time, our worries are multiplied by financial problems.0 -
Hi Leonie.
I totally agree with your comments. I have just read today that the government are scrapping the Medicare safety net and tax rebates for medical expenses. So things are going to get even more expensive. Its shocking that at such a stressful and traumatic time, our worries are multiplied by financial problems.0