Do you go to restaurants

Can any one give me their experience with what they have done as far as isolating themselves from the wrong food. I have read you cant have take away food or go to Resaurants incase they havent prepared the food right or arent hygienic enough? How flexible have you been? Has any-one suffered from food poisoning? Has any-one eaten out? We are already going a little crazy from staying home and preparing all the food ourselves. Isnt our immune system low around the 10th to 14th day? Will ask Dr. but thought Id get your vibe! Thank you I really appreciate everyones input!
Love Bel
Hi Belinda, I agree i'ts nice to get out and have a change of scene, now and then.
You could go on a day trip.. maybe drive to the beach, walk along the sand and get some ozone energised air. Georgetown/ Low Head is close, also a nice cafe at Low Head Pilot Station, 4 kms from Georgetown.
Bridport is 30 minutes drive from the turn off, near Bell Bay. It has tree lined beaches and walks, plus a nice coffee shop with light meals in the main street near the newsagent and between the two roundabouts. The walking track goes amongst the trees and native wildflowers; it is just behind the town. There is a Pavillion Info Centre to get directions etc.
There are vineyards and tastings at Pipers Brook and Jantz, in a nice, clean setting and outook, plus the Lavender Farm at Nabowla. They do light meals, devonshire scones and lavender icecream etc. plus good views of mountains, fields and old, oak tree.
I did not go out too much when I had chemo, but I had family to visit etc. I laid low pretty much. Depends how you feel I guess. I personally think is the time to have treatment and adjust to it all. Plenty of time to get back into things later on. Each to their own, so " listen " to what your body needs right now, whether it is a quiet drive, a meal, a walk, a sleep, good food or just a bit of company..etc. Best of luck with it all, Kathy.
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Hi Belinda, I agree i'ts nice to get out and have a change of scene, now and then.
You could go on a day trip.. maybe drive to the beach, walk along the sand and get some ozone energised air. Georgetown/ Low Head is close, also a nice cafe at Low Head Pilot Station, 4 kms from Georgetown.
Bridport is 30 minutes drive from the turn off, near Bell Bay. It has tree lined beaches and walks, plus a nice coffee shop with light meals in the main street near the newsagent and between the two roundabouts. The walking track goes amongst the trees and native wildflowers; it is just behind the town. There is a Pavillion Info Centre to get directions etc.
There are vineyards and tastings at Pipers Brook and Jantz, in a nice, clean setting and outook, plus the Lavender Farm at Nabowla. They do light meals, devonshire scones and lavender icecream etc. plus good views of mountains, fields and old, oak tree.
I did not go out too much when I had chemo, but I had family to visit etc. I laid low pretty much. Depends how you feel I guess. I personally think is the time to have treatment and adjust to it all. Plenty of time to get back into things later on. Each to their own, so " listen " to what your body needs right now, whether it is a quiet drive, a meal, a walk, a sleep, good food or just a bit of company..etc. Best of luck with it all, Kathy.
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Such lovely advice and ideas from Kathy above.. I want to go to Tasmania. Now! Having a bit of an eek moment. As in other than not going anywhere near big shopping centres etc, this didn't enter my head as risk.
I have eaten out for one meal almost every single day since chemo began at local cafes and restaurants as part of my I'm-supposed-to-be-on-holidays frame of mind. I have eaten everything from omelettes and scrambled eggs to cakes with servings of yoghurt on the side, a prawn curry, crispy skinned salmon with thai salad....and more. Though not all at once! (Even though sometimes my apppetite thanks to the steroids was such I felt like I could eat that much!).
Anyway, for what it's worth, no problems to report with eating out.
Hope you get to enjoy some of the lovely outings above soon.
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I had just gotten over salmonella, I had my 4th chemo treatment and day 3 after my Chemo we decided to go out for dinner and I wanted something salty to help with the metallic taste in my mouth.
I didn't sleep well that night and to cut a long story short, got admitted back into hospital 2 days later, high temp, 4 lots of antibiotics, in isolation for 4 days in hospital, that was a week ago and still not back to my old self, I have never been that sick in my life, I thought I was having an extreme reaction to the Chemo drugs.
The restaraunt was a new clean and reputable restaurant and I ordered noodles with Chicken and veggies. I was just very unlucky but wouldn't want to go through it again.
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I'm with sam. I never got food poisoning or even thought about it when I was going through chemo! I made sure that I used that anti-bacterial gel on my hands when I went out but other than that, I didn't take any precautions. That said, I tended not to go to restaurants in the week after chemo because I couldn't taste anything! I did go out after that first week though and didn't have any problems with anywhere that I went
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I'm with sam. I never got food poisoning or even thought about it when I was going through chemo! I made sure that I used that anti-bacterial gel on my hands when I went out but other than that, I didn't take any precautions. That said, I tended not to go to restaurants in the week after chemo because I couldn't taste anything! I did go out after that first week though and didn't have any problems with anywhere that I went
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For the first 10 days I feel aweful. Dr gave me a script for more anti-nausea meds yesterday! Sleep a lot and dont want to socialise during that time. Then between days 10 to 14, apparently my Dr tells me thats you weak point, and then I have a week of actually caring what I eat and tasting food close to normal! Best Diet Ive ever been on! One thing I have learnt is, there is only one me, and I am a little scared of getting sick, and I have been warned that my Taxotere will drop my immune system even more dramatically during 10 to 14. I guess it depends on your Dr, and your own immune system. Great to get all the different points of view!