Ideas for amazing mini field?

Hi all,
does anyone out there have any terrific ideas for my mini field, to be held on 16 March in Launceston City Park at the Breast Cancer Rose Garden as part of "The Ongoing Journey" Tasmanian Breast Cancer Conference?
I have the city choir, Vox Harmony who will serenade us with 3 songs and am wondering about the guest speakers; religious or non; memorial type words or not;??
Hi Kathy
firstly, no we are not changing for the informal mystery party. The idea is to walk from the Hotel Grand Chancellor to the park, have the mini field with choir, then those who are attending, get onto the waiting buses to take us to the mysery (in town) venue. Busues will be prepared to shuttle people back to the hotel from 8.30pm. There will be a few free drinks, ample finger food and musical enteratinment, we are hoping for a great evening!
The programme is on BCNA but it is a draft which gets moved and altered a bit- here is the latest for you.: Day 1– Saturday 16 March 2013
9.30am Registrations open – morning tea available
10.00am “Flowing story” from our women leading on to Welcome by TBCN President- and housekeeping
10.15am Keynote Address- “The Ongoing Journey” Maxine Morand
10.30am Dr Nirmala Pathmanathan Westmead Breast Cancer Centre Pathologist
11.15am Morning Tea
11.45am Dr Maria Popa Plastic Surgeon
12.15pm Medical Tattoos Janet Manley
12.30pm Pink Tank– Panel of previous speakers to answer questions
1.00pm Lunch
2.00pm Dr Richard de Boer Oncologist
2.40pm Dr Jo Burke Genetics
3.15pm Pink Tank– Panel of afternoon session speakers to answer questions
3.45pm Afternoon tea
4.30pm BCNA navigating the website Daina Jones
5.00pm Questions to BCNA network manager
5.30pm Silent Walk to Mini Field of Women
5.45pm Mini Field of Women followed by buses to mystery venue Marita O’Keefe
6.15p.m.-9.30pm Party time with partners
Day 2—Sunday 17 March 2013
9.30am Tea and coffee available
10.00am My swollen arm -what's happened to my lymphatics and what can I do? Professor Neil Piller
11.00am Body Image and Sexuality. Karen Campbell
12.00pm Healing Through Breath and Body Awareness— Martina Hughes
12.15pm Dr Debra Meerkotter- Radiology
12.30pm Reach to Recovery. Maureen Holland –film– join tbcn etc
1.00pm Tank Panel of previous speakers to answer questions
1.30pm Close and Lunch
................ sorry about the formatting!It is the colours and I can't alter it.
It'd be good if you could attend both days- perhaps someone would billet you? You could put a blog up asking and I can ask at the next Launceston meeting on 5/2/13 if you like. Take care Mandy
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Hi Kathy,
i hope you ahve received the conference email advising you about the offer of having twin shared accommodation at the venue as well as petrol costs re-imbursed. (@20c per km). Riverside Lions Club are wonderful in supporting this aspect. Take care, Mandy
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Do we need to put our name down for the Cocktail party? I would like to go . I am coming up to conference on Sat morning from Hobart and staying the night with relatives . Wondered about changing from day clothes as well? Great to see the agenda I am looking forward to the weekend. See you on the day.0
as you haven't put your name down I can't check the list so can you email me direct at with those? I will put you on the cocktail party list- if you are registered you should have receievd two emails over the past few weeks (one of them yesterday) explaining the rose garden ceremony and the party.. I hope there isn't a glitch! (It is a free event registration site so I can't guarantee it is 100% efficient.) We close off taking names for the party on Monday so the caterers have a final number.
We are wearing comfortable clothes for the conference and NOT changing for the casual evening at the mystery venue. Buses will take us from City PArk to the venue and then start returning people from 8.30pm to the Hotel Grand Chancellor (conference venue).
DO email me and I will check you are on the list, and if not, I can put you on it, take care, Mandy
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Hi sent you off email .I did ring to check on whether I was registered. Might ring that no again.0
Thank you for the information.
I am staying twin share on the Saturday night at the Grand chancellor.
Thanks again, Kathy