Happy New Year

Hi girls
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year! I had a quiet one but a lovely one with family - nice NOT to spend it ill or in hospital. I hope you all had a great time.
Now that all my treatment is finished and I've settled into my job I find myself more and more involved in my parents care and my uncle's care. My parents are in their 80's and dad just recently had a big operation on his arm (5 days before Christmas!) and my uncle is in care with Parkinson's disease which sadly is progressing rapidly.
I find it ironic in a way this "care" has gone full circle within the last 18 months as they were all concerned about me when I was ill and now it's my turn to worry about them.
It made me realise even more how precious family is and that, fellow Easties, is my message to all of you for the New Year.
No matter what you are doing, how busy life gets, or how our illnesses can overwhelm or preoccupy ourselves, remember your family and friends and treasure the time you have with those you love.
So on that note I'd like to wish you all the best for 2013 and hope this year finds you all a lot healthier and happier.
I'd like to try to get together again sometime towards the end of February - can you all check your appointments and committments etc and let me know how you are placed around the 22nd, 23 or 24th Feb - thinking a pampering session, lunch or afternoon tea somewhere or if you'd like a High Tea.....I just went to one recently at Sebel in Lilydale and it was supurb!
Do get back to me at geminishopgirl@****.au and let me know when or if you'd like to get together again.
cheers for now
Luv H