Moving on.......................

Hello My Pink Sisters,
Its been a few days since I got my results and had my bit of a hissy fit and have had time to absorb my news and move forward.
I have now had my testing done at the genetic clinic and am waiting for the results. They are rushing these through for me so its not too long a wait.
Given some time and a chance to let the clouds disipate from my mind I have been able to think a bit more clearly and feel somewhat better than I did Tuesday.
I know it was the speed of which things were moving and the complete whammy that came from left field that just threw me, I have come to realise though that I am not in control of this journey and I have to stop trying to control it.
That has been a steep learning curve for me but I do feel better now that I have let it go. Lets see how good I keep managing that though.
Thank-you ladies for all the support and kind words, that has been great. I have also come back to work, I am not putting in full days but I feel much better to have some sense of normality back.
I wish you all a wonderful weekend.
It is interesting because the biggest thing I have learnt from this experience is to have no expectations, to let it all go. That is a very hard thing for a control freak to do, but I have come to understand that I must or I'll go batty.
Its interesting because I am also going through major change at my work and have had to look at events with different eyes and know that I can no longer be Eddy Everywhere, that I must now hand things over and delegate to others, hmmm perhaps there is a bigger picture here and more for me to learn about myself.