Biopsy results are back

On the 02.01.2013 my GP finally rang me to tell me, that there was no cancer found in my sentinel node biopsy. I could have laughed, danced and cried! I actually cried. I realised then what a weight was taken from my shoulders. Although I was quite positive there was always a doubt lingering in the back of my mind.
I will see the specialist next week to find out about my further treatments. Somehow it is all too easy and I am still waiting for the big blow. It hasn't really sunk in, how life threatening breast cancer is and that I have got it. (I feel more like I have had it!).
I want to know how does it happen that a cancer appears. What makes a cyst turn into cancer? I had my first cyst examined about 12 years ago, while I was breastfeeding my daughter. Over the years I had a few more examined and they all turned out to be not cancerous. In 2011 I had a biopsy which was very unpleasant. It wasn't really too bad but I thouhgt: will I have to go through this every year now just to find out it is nothing?! So when I felt another lump in 2012 I thought: 'oh no, not again!' and I postponed seeing my GP for about 3 months. But something kept nagging . I finally went to have tests done and it turned out to be cancer.
Here I am now. Ready to accept whatever is offered to me. And grateful to have so much support.
Dear Mich,
I just read parts of your ups and downs. Wonderful how you mastered your journey and so very sad to read about your dog. How is she coping?
To accept what life throws at you sounds like a good idea, Otherwise you would go mad, wouldn't you? And when you look back at all the things you managed in your lifetime, often the worst times have been the best times because you came out of it a lot 'wiser' and stronger.
Thank you for offering your support.
Take care
Birgit xx
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Thank you Kathy,
Yes, I have great support. And I am glad that I have my appointments Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I will finally find out about my treatments. At the moment I feel that I can't plan anything until I know what I am in for. Step by step, as you said. Patience!
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Hello Kashmia,
Thanks for replying to my blog.
Your case sounds very similar to my case, my lump was just 1cm, also hormone positive. So the treatment might be very similar to yours.
Can you tell me why the treatment was a 'world wind' for the first half of the year? Did you get very tired from the radiotherapy?
How are you coping now? Are you okay?
All the best
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Dear Donna,
Yes, it is a silly time. And even if you think you are coping well, there is a weight on your shoulders. Until you get your results , then you can go from there. Step by step. I couldn't wait though. I am not very patient.
Donna, I'll be thinking of you and send you lots of positive thoughts and hope that things turn out well for you.
Good luck, be strong
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Good luck today Donna. Keeping all crossed for you good results are your New Years present -- and reward for patient waiting.