Remission versus Survivorship

Just wanted to get a feel from you all about the above words. I was stopped in the street the other day by a lady I hadn't seen for a few years. She remarked that I had achieved a lot during this time of my remission.
REMISSION?? I thought " there is that 20th century negative word"- we don't hear it., we only seem to hear SURVIVE and all its conotations. Then I thought about the two words and think that I don't like survivor rates and statistsics especially as many near and dear ones are experiencing secondaries.
They are experiencing the end of a remission.
The word has value.
I have talked with a lot who tell me about the survivor stats for 5 years + etc etc., and a lot of people take it that we will live for eternity, or at least till we are 101 in a nursing home ! We all know we can't say the cancer is gone forever, so what is a word that is REALISTIC? eh girls?
I can't think of one.
I have secondaries - never experienced a "remission" - I am, as far as i am concerned still a "sruvivor" because I am alive. Other people may feel I am not worthy of such a title, some prefer to use the word warrior.
They are just labels. I would love to hear I was in remission (drs don't even really use the word - they use, "NED - No Evidence of Disease" - that would be amazing.
As for 5 year survival stats - they simply look at who is alive 5 years post diagnosis - not who is NED, many people, alive 5 years after diagnosis are living with secondary disease.
I don't know of an appropriate "label" - perhaps warrior is better for those of us still living with the disease. But labels can be divisive - do we need one at all?
Interesting question.
A xx
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I describe myself as having experienced early stage breast cancer. I don't like the survivor tag and if I die of breast cancer I will come back and haunt anyone who uses the military style words "fighting" or "fought" or "battled".
If it ever happens, I will have a recurrance or metastatic breast cancer.
It's really hard trying to figure out how to describe all of this. Never thought it would be hard to figure this out...
Jenn0 -
I describe myself as having experienced early stage breast cancer. I don't like the survivor tag and if I die of breast cancer I will come back and haunt anyone who uses the military style words "fighting" or "fought" or "battled".
If it ever happens, I will have a recurrance or metastatic breast cancer.
It's really hard trying to figure out how to describe all of this. Never thought it would be hard to figure this out...
Jenn0 -
Hi Mandy, I still haven't figured it out. I just say "I am alive and living well" - even if I might be dreaming sometimes. At my last specialist visit he said "You need to keep taking Arimidex especially now that you are doing so well". (I do love him BUT what is the alternative to doing well?) Could I be a "CRUISER"? Now that sounds cool!! XLeonie
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Hi Mandy ... just checked the dictionary for "remission" ... was quite amused at this - "A reduction in the term is a prison sentence .. pardon or forgiveness ... easing of intensity"
So where do we all fit in? Have we committed a crime, had our sentance eased then been forgiven or as "survivors" have we "continued to live or exist after a difficult experience"
I can't reate to any of the above - they are all too cut and dried.
We have all been at the mercy of a common enemy and have each travelled on our own journey to come out on top. Some of us (myself included) may not have experienced as many difficulties as others so I guess we are the support crew for those still going over the speed bumps in their lives.
Do we need to be labled ... it's not for our benefit, we know who we are. We are lovers and fighters. We love life, each other and ourselves and we fight every day to overcome the enemy!!!
Speaking of love .... mine goes to all of you for a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year
Luv Shirl x0x0x