Out of Pocket Expenses - Media Picks up the Stories!

Hello out there!
A followup on how 'Out of Pocket Expenses' is being picked up by the media. The Sunday Telegraph on 18 November ran an article on the issue with a small follow up on Monday. This week in the Sunday Telegraph another article will be published talking about people having to access superannuation to pay for their out of pocket medical treatment. Channel 10 followed up with a story on 'The Project' last Sunday also. This week Channel 9 have asked me to come in and do an interview for Weekend Today. It looks as though this topic of discussion is starting to sprout legs and get some traction! So ladies if you have a story to tell about your out of pocket expenses and the lengths you have had to go to pay for them please let me know. I am also on facebook, you can look for me: Leonie Havnen. The more cases I have the stronger the argument to start to have changes made. In an earlier blog I advised that I have sent requests off to meet with the Federal and State Health Ministers and my local Federal Member, to date I have not even received a courtesy acknowledgement. This will definitely be something that I will raise in my interview with Channel 9 if things go according to plan. If not I will be on the telephone Monday morning heckling for an appointment to meet with them. I am also led to believe that the Telegraph will be continuing on this issue and that further articles will be published. If you have a story and you want it to be told, again please let me know and I will advise the Journalist from the Telegraph.
We need to stand up and unite, because as individuals we are easily defeated!