A little news

Hi girls
Hope you are all well.
Just thought I'd share with you a press story that's about me holding my big fundraiser for the Hospital that treated me and it's also about the cookbook I've created.
There's another story coming out next week in another paper and a radio interview - in which I am talking about BCNA.
I've also participated in the Pink Lady Art Exhibition - albeit a bit bravely - I posed topless for photos about mastectomies and this is going to be in a separate room at the exhibition which will have age-restriction to get into (for obvious reasons) and requires another gold coin donation to get into.
I didn't hesitate to do this as the message behind this part of the exhibition is that you really are still a woman after a mastectomy. It is also being done to educate people about what women look like after a mastectomy.
The Pink Lady Art exhibition is holding an opening night next Thursday (25/10) and my hubby and I are going. All proceeds goes to BCNA.
The week after that is my big morning tea at work which I hope will be a success, with all proceeds to BCNA.
If any of you lovely ladies out there wish to help with a bit of fundraising for the Cancer Ward where i was treated, you can do this by purchasing the cookbook for $20.00 (plus postage). It would be great if you could.
cheers for now
Luv H