Who's your unsung hero?

Hi everyone
The Spring issue of the The Beacon and The Inside Story is now available and focuses on 'unsung heroes' – the people who have helped to make a difference to our members lives.
Who's your unsung hero? What difference have they made since you were diagnosed?
Can’t wait to hear about them :-)
Undoubtedly that would have to be Lyn Swinburne !! This woman has enriched my life. She has made a terrible experience into something fabulous. The CL class of 2010 has develped a great bond - we are linked together right across this amazing country of ours, we share a love, a friendship and a committment to raising awareness and helping others, keeping time also for our group to join up outside of events.
I have made so so many wonderful friendships with other women who understand, who 'get it', the bond is so strong it brings tears to my eyes, I feel truly blessed, and look forward to a time in the distant future when I can do more and play a bigger part in BCNA.
Lyn gave me the courage to start a support group, chat to media, TV interviews, and the committment to stay in touch always with my sisters.
Thank you Lyn from the bottom of my heart.
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Also Lyn...... but special mention to Mrs Sherone Brown....
She was volunteering in the chemo ward the Wednesday I had my first chemo. I had left our young children 2 and 4 at home and travelled for my appointment.
She was a breath of fresh air as she walked in... (at the time I assumed she was just a tea lady and had nothing to offer me but a cup of tea:( how wrong was I !!
Whilst she did offer me tea, she also inspired me and gave me hope a a future. she told me that she too had had breast cancer and also had young children at home and was now doing well and living life well. She gave me hope that I would be Ok and after all treatment was over I too could have a life. She looked fabulous and I admired her beautiful curly hair.
HOPE is such an important thing when going through treatment. I also suggested to Amanda Winiata that she contact Sherone and ask her to become a community liason officer (which she did and Sherone is inspirating others still with BCNA too).
Sherone inspired me to inspire others too and so my "pay if forward" approach helps many in my community too.
Thankyou Sherone and thankyou BCNA for giving women like Lyn and Sherone the credit they so deserve.