
dmed Member Posts: 158
edited August 2012 in General discussion
I had surgery in April for an invasive duct carcinoma 13.5 x 7.5mm grade 2. Had sentinel nodes x2 clear. It was TNBC . I had 4 cycles of TC which I finished 6 weeks ago. I found the chemo pretty awful and had Neulasta injections to bring up my white cells . I waiting now to start radiation and was wondering when you start to feel a bit better, I've had a bladder infection and now have a flu thing again. I seemed to have a flu like thing all though the chemo. Hoping radiation is easier? Trying now to get back to eating healthier and am starting a pink pilates course. Seems a bit overwhelming at times . Suppose everyone different ? Good to get on here just to be able to get some feed back.


  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    It might take many months before you feel better from that chemo. I had that one and it's pretty hard on you. It took 10 weeks before any hair sprouted on my head. After what you've gone through,radiation will seem much easier. You get abit tired half way through and by the end of it,your chest might be glowing like a hotplate - just feels like a bad case of sunburn. Don't push yourself too much now,go with the flow and rest. There is no rush to do exercise or even eat healthy if you are not up to it yet.Go easy on yourself and in time you'll get your mojo back.

                                                Tonya xx

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    It might take many months before you feel better from that chemo. I had that one and it's pretty hard on you. It took 10 weeks before any hair sprouted on my head. After what you've gone through,radiation will seem much easier. You get abit tired half way through and by the end of it,your chest might be glowing like a hotplate - just feels like a bad case of sunburn. Don't push yourself too much now,go with the flow and rest. There is no rush to do exercise or even eat healthy if you are not up to it yet.Go easy on yourself and in time you'll get your mojo back.

                                                Tonya xx

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    It might take many months before you feel better from that chemo. I had that one and it's pretty hard on you. It took 10 weeks before any hair sprouted on my head. After what you've gone through,radiation will seem much easier. You get abit tired half way through and by the end of it,your chest might be glowing like a hotplate - just feels like a bad case of sunburn. Don't push yourself too much now,go with the flow and rest. There is no rush to do exercise or even eat healthy if you are not up to it yet.Go easy on yourself and in time you'll get your mojo back.

                                                Tonya xx

  • dmed
    dmed Member Posts: 158
    edited March 2015
    Thanks. Feeling yucky with this flu today . I haven't been able to do much was hoping might get back to a few hours at work but gosh I did a couple of haircuts for my family and was exhausted. So getting back to the salon might be way off yet especially with radiation . I had a lot of bone pain as well and still having a bit of that as well. Glad to be able to post on here and see what others have to say.
  • Cheryl D
    Cheryl D Member Posts: 125
    edited March 2015

    TC is a gruelling chemo, I know as I also did it,

    Radiation is big for fatigue, aches, nausea and burns, be sure to use your creams and tell the nurses of any skin problems.

    I am post6months radiation and 8 months chemo and feel nowhere near well, I don't know when or if I will get my old body back, well the one without cancer anyway, lol.

    ! round of Herceptin to go and I'm done!

    Hope it all goes smoother for you





  • Janet Plummer
    Janet Plummer Member Posts: 64
    edited March 2015

    Hi, I had my fourth and final dose of TC 10 days ago. I'm still a bit tired, less engergetic than normal and have a mild cold I can't seem to shake but I  feel I'm getting a little better each day. I'm just wondering why you guys seem to think that TC is worse than any other type of chemo?  From my point of view it's been unpleasant definitely  but not as bad as I initially thought chemotherapy was going to be. Just wondering how you can know that this chemo is worse than other types? I had hoped I would be feeling back to normal in a few weeks. It's a bit disheartening to hear it could take months.

  • dmed
    dmed Member Posts: 158
    edited March 2015
    Think it was hard because it was over 3 week cycles and not longer like some other treatments , think I remember someone saying short and sharp treatment. Everyone is different but I have found the fatigue so hard to deal with. I had a few side effects with the needle after as well. Can't compare to another type of chemo so might be wrong. Most people keep telling me to go easy on myself as it it a process that takes time to heal from. Wishing you all the best.
  • serenity11
    serenity11 Member Posts: 143
    edited March 2015

    By coincidence the recovery time question is the same one I asked my chemo nurse last week.  Her answer was that by rule of thumb your recovery time is the same as your treatment time (including surgery times).  So in my case about 9 months before I will be feeling "normal".  Pink pilates sounds like fun.  I hope you can make it and are not too fatigued.

    Take care and be gentle on yourself.

  • dmed
    dmed Member Posts: 158
    edited March 2015
    Be good if that is so. Feeling better but now got radiation starting soon I hope . Pink Pilates was good . Good to just move the body . Haven't exercise for years so was all a bit new to me, apart from walking the dog. It was good as they know the limitations especially after surgery and chemo. Hope your going along ok. All the best!!