Breast Cancer Taking Control - Book by Dr Boyages

Hi everyone,
I was listening to the radio yesterday in one of those rare moments sans toddler in the car who demands the Play School Cd and I heard about this book: Breast Cancer Taking Control by Dr Boyages a well known oncologist in Sydney.
They interviewed him and he sounds amazing. He has basically written this book out of a need to provide women who have been diagnosed with all the information they need before they make each decision about their surgery and treatment.
I am writing this post because I thought I would let you know the cheapest way to get it.
Today I scooted off to Borders and they said that they didn't have it in stock and probably wouldn't get more until January but I could order it online and get 10% off with a special code. When I went online, it was $60 to buy - with free shipping. On the website it costs 39.95 with $13 shipping which is cheaper still. But THEN I looked on the Book Depository. If you have never shopped on the book depository, you should go there now. I buy all my books there and they are shipped free and are cheaper than anywhere else I have seen - even Amazon.
I didn't look there initially as the book has JUST been released and I really thought it wouldn't be there. But you can get it delivered free and it is only $30. It is being shipped from the UK and generally takes a couple of weeks to come but it is still worth it.
So now I am waiting in anticipation for this book and I will let you know what it is like. Even though I have had my surgery etc, I think it will provide some good advice and information anyway. Has anyone else got it?
So, if you want to see what the book is about you can go to:
And if you want to order it from the Book Depository go to: Just type the title in the search section and make sure you change the currency in the top right hand corner.
Anyone got any other books they would like to recommend?
x Sara