back to work i go

seaford jenny
seaford jenny Member Posts: 79
edited June 2012 in General discussion

hi all hope everyone is well. today was my first day back at work after having 4mths off. strange isnt it i did most of my shifts when i was having treatment but got thyroid disease  a infected tooth  and a frozen shoulder some months after treatment ceased,.now im feeling well and have started excercising again. the past 12mths have been quite challenging but i hope the worst is over and i can move on. i am an avid traveller and i will be off to thailand in september and then hopefully going to japan early next year. hope everyone is doing ok best wishes to you all jenny


  • Shazinoz
    Shazinoz Member Posts: 307
    edited March 2015

    Hope your first day back at work went well and you had a good day.

    Hope allof your other health issues have settled and are not impacting on your life too much (sure can sympathise witht he frozen shoulder, Ihave had a shoulder disability for 16 years now (since I was 25).

    I went to Thailand about 6 yrs ago and LOVED it, although I was pretty much stuck inthe Bangkok area (my Husband was over there for work for 12 weeks), I had a blast and loved the place, if is stunning.Japan is supposed tobe beautiful too (my cousin lived there for a couple of years,when he was 16 as a jockey inthe Japanese racing industry and loved it),

    Enjoy work and more importantly enjoy that travel.

  • serenity11
    serenity11 Member Posts: 143
    edited March 2015

    Well done on returning to work.  I miss the independence of work but the next 6 months are going to be challenging.

    And congratulations on travelling again.  I loved Thailand, haven't been to Japan but my daughter loved it.  My next big adventure is going to be Tasmania.  All these years and I have never been there.

    Let us know how it goes. 

    Enjoy  work, take it gently.

    Take care