Maxine shares her story in the media

BCNA CEO Maxine Morand shared her own personal breast cancer experience in the media last weekend.
Maxine's story was profiled in Melbourne's Herald Sun newspaper on Saturday 28th April. The full article is available online or from the Herald Sun website.
Maxine and her husband John were also interviewed by Channel 7 News Melbourne, which screened on Saturday 28th at 6pm.
You can also watch the full news story online via the Channel 7 website.
It just goes to show, it does not matter who you are or what you are we are all vulnerable to this dreaded disease. Its good to see Maxine's was caught in time, it must have been a worrying time for her and her family and would like to wish her all the best in her knew job. Cheers Jo xx
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It just goes to show, it does not matter who you are or what you are we are all vulnerable to this dreaded disease. Its good to see Maxine's was caught in time, it must have been a worrying time for her and her family and would like to wish her all the best in her knew job. Cheers Jo xx
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Thanks Jo
Its not until you get breast cancer that you have a greater perspective of the impact of the the disease and sadly how common it is.
That is the great part of our online network!
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Look forward to seeing it. Every story is the same but every story is different. I love them all and also really love telling mineXLeonie