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Using 'the oil' for Exemestane side effects

Hi there, I'm curious to hear from people who've been using 'the oil' to treat side effects of hormone therapy. I've noticed people don't say the actual name of it, assuming it gets flagged?!

To cut my long story short... Diagnosed in June, mastectomy in July, radiotherapy in August/September, and then started hormone therapy September/October. 

I'm on Goserelin every 28 days, plus Exemestane daily. I'm told this is the plan for the next 5-10 years. 

However, my joint, ligament and muscle aches are horrible! I've read similar side effects from others on here - where there's a joint, it aches, particularly overnight - I didn't even know elbows and knuckles could ache! My feet are so painful to walk on any time I get up from sitting/lying down. 

I'd heard a few people say the oil has helped them with these side effects. I've been taking it for 5 weeks now and am quite disappointed that I feel very little effect. I'm taking Altreleaf C B D 100 ISO - 100mg. I take 0.5ml in the morning, 0.5ml at lunchtime, then 1ml at 8pm. 

He gave me one containing T H C too (because I asked for it ;-) but I can't really use it as you can't have it in your system at all when you drive. I'm 46 and a mum of two young girls so driving is a pretty essential part of my daily life. 

I'd love to hear it others have tried the oil and had similar disappointment, or any success. I'd also love to hear from anyone who's been on Exemestane and changed to another drug - because I'm told it's brutal and not many women stay on it. I'm thinking my only option really is to switch to something else but worry it'll be the same! 

Thanks in advance!


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,324
    No @Gemini78- there is no flagging of the use of Cannabis Oil on the forum, as it is a legal and valuable form of pain relief for Breast Cancer patients.  Not many Oncologists are 'licenced' to prescribe it tho.  Some GPs are tho.

    I was on it for the best part of 5 years (with THC component.)   It really helped reduce my aches & pains side effects to manageable levels - and the THC component really helped me sleep at night.  I used to only take it at night, about 1/2hr before going to bed (about .5ml.)

    When you were given the oil were you taught how to 'use it'?  Unlike tablets, taking the 'full dose' straight away, doesn't work with the oil.  You have to 'titrate' it (ie, start off with tiny amounts, literally 2 drops under your tongue) every hour, until your aches & pains diminish ... and 'that' is your dose.  So if you took 2 drops, every hour for 5hrs initially - your dose would be 10 drops. I used to take it at night.

    There are aso varying strengths of the oil that are available ... so maybe you need a stronger dose, as taking 2ml a day 'should' be sufficient to control most aches & pains.  My oncologist wrote me a 'letter' saying that I was on Cannabis Oil to mitigate side effects of Aromatase Inhibitor and breast cancer treatment - and I kept that letter on me at all times, when driving. I've not once been tested for drugs yet..... and rarely for booze!  I still have it!

    As I am weaning off AIs at the moment (I stop completely next year) I am finding I don't need it as much now and am currently not taking the oil.  I have the occasional sleepless night, but on the whole sleeping fine & no real aches & pains!

    If you put Cannabis Oil in the 'search area', it should bring up a heap of threads.

    take care & all the best.  
  • Gemini78
    Gemini78 Member Posts: 12
    Ahh thanks so much @arpie for the great response. Cannabis - there I said it out loud!

    Sounds like I do need to be taking the one with the THC component. I've been so worried about being caught driving with it in my system. I will ask my oncologist for a letter! 

    Yes I was told to start small and increase the dose slowly, so it took me a few weeks to get the the 2mls per day dose. But as I say, nothing! I'm feeling nothing! 

    My cannabis doctor suggested I try the THC one over Christmas when I'm driving less so I might try that.

    Thank you!