Avoiding radiotherapy

aj456 Member Posts: 8
edited October 8 in Newly diagnosed
Hi, are there any community members here that have avoided radiotherapy and then regretted it later? or vice versa. 

I had a very small pre cancer, which was non-invasive and I'm in my 40s. I am anxious about radiotherapy (long term effects) and though its the standard treatment (because the precancer was high grade), I am not totally comfortable with it, but perhaps that is normal? Any insights appreciated. 


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    edited October 8
    @aj456 - I am sure there are members who've not gone down the Radiation route .... no doubt you'll hear from some soon.  

    I had the choice of NOT doing radiation (on a trial) - but I chose to go ahead with it, as I figured the Rads would mop up any random cells that the surgeon may have missed.  6.5 years later, so far, so good.

    To be honest, the last thing you want, would be a recurrence - 'specially if you'd bypassed the recommended treatment advice.  The 'what ifs' would muck with your brain if you don't do the Rads & then further down the line, have a recurrence.   

    There is always the chance of a recurrence ANYWAY - but if you don't throw the kitchen sink at it ... you'd always be wondering .... 

    High Grade 'anything' is not always a good diagnosis - and your team is recommending the best treatment for YOUR best results (ie hopefully no recurrence.)

    Maybe ask your Rad Onc if THEY would have the treatment if it was 'their' diagnosis .... or if it was their sister or mother - would they encourage them to have it.    Radiation usually has less side effects of ANY of the treatments for BC ... so try not to be scared of it xx

    take care & all the best with your decision making. 
  • CeeCee
    CeeCee Member Posts: 39
    Hi @aj456, I had DCIS 5 years ago, then a Lumpectomy with clear margins. I saw the Radiation Doctor who gave me great odds and I had also researched heavily so elected not to have it. My team agreed with me and said they would do the same which was good enough for me.
    Five years later, cancer is back in exactly the same spot, requiring a Mastectomy, 6 months of Chemo which I’m half way through. I have again spoken to the Radiation Doctor and she has recommended that I don’t need it again. I am speaking to my Oncologist this week about it, I am worried.
    Good luck with your decision, unfortunately nothing is black and white.
  • Mareealso
    Mareealso Member Posts: 38
    Hi I was diagnosed with Early Stage invasive ductal carcinoma, was given a choice of lumpectomy plus radiotherapy and then chemotherapy or mastectomy and straight into chemo. I believe radiotherapy "mops up" potential cancer cells not collected by the lumpectomy in the local area whilst a mastectomy removes the whole lot.... this is based on negative sentinel node involvement. However some people have had mastectomy, radiotherapy and then chemo as well....so it's well worth discussing with your oncology team as your grade of tumour may play a factor..
  • aj456
    aj456 Member Posts: 8
    edited October 8
    Thanks @arpie good points. I think one of the things that worried me neither radiation oncologist said they would have the radiotherapy when I asked, I’ve asked 2. Even though that’s the recommendation. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    ahaa, @aj456so the offer of radiation wasn't even on the table?   Even tho mine was small & had clear margins, it was invasive & is considered aggressive - so they were sitting on the fence whether yes or no - and I chose yes.  

    Do you have a breast care nurse who can go in to bat for you, if you really believe you should have the Rads?  Is there a history of breast cancer in any of your close family or even cousins?  

    take care & all the best
  • aj456
    aj456 Member Posts: 8
    edited October 8
    The radiation is recommended yes. But it was just when I ask them what they would do personally if it was them, they didn’t say they would have the radiation. I was so surprised. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    Sorry,  I miss-read your previous reply.  I bet if they actually HAD a BC diagnosis, they would DO IT!  They are just parroting what they've heard or read from other Rad Oncs.   

    It really sounds to me like you do want to do the rads, specially as your tumour was 'high grade' - I would see it as 'extra insurance' ... so just go with your gut feeling. xx