Ongoing seroma

Bel Member Posts: 1
Has anyone else had issues with a seroma ?
When I first had a double mastectomy, my right side needed syringing for quite a few months. Years later, when doing a lot of DIY, I felt pain there and thought the worse, but it turned out to be another seroma. It slowly lessened but I seem to have one again now.
Would this be to do with bad surgery?



  • Esjay
    Esjay Member Posts: 2
    @Bel, sorry to hear you're having trouble with seromas again. They are awful & so painful!  I had a large seroma that kept building up after my mastectomy in April last year. I had it repeatedly drained but I had severe cording as well that went from my wrist to my waist, so I was referred to a brilliant lymphoedema specialist who used laser and massage to resolve it over a few months. I have had 3 further surgeries since then and since my hysterectomy in May, my arm is having fluid issues again so I'm now wearing a sleeve. Surgery certainly can flare up the lymphatic system. It's the body's automatic response to inflammation of any kind.   I suggest you visit a lymphoedema physio and see if you can get some help for your seroma. They are amazing what they can do. 
    All the very best.. SJ
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,427
    I had a long lasting, persistent seroma that refilled repeatedly. It wasn’t painful, but inhibited my getting a proper prosthesis for months and I could have lived without the sloshing when I bent over! I even got babushka seromas, one inside the other. But massage helped, my lymphoedema therapist started a bit later than ideal, but little by little she reduced it. My surgery was pain free and healed rapidly without any movement limitations so no, I don’t think it’s bad surgery. It is important to get rid of it though, the fluid build up is like Christmas for bad bacteria (we all have some in our bodies) and can cause infections. Best wishes. 
  • GorgyS
    GorgyS Member Posts: 135
    I also have ongoing seroma after lumpectomy 9 months ago. Usually, the medical team prescribe antibiotics. It is annoying. 
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 851
    I have seroma and scar tissue where my tumour was removed apparently the seroma though not big has calcified between the scar tissue pulling on my muscle and the seroma lump which are near each other it gets a bit painful occasionally just depends if I've overdone the heavy lifting above my shoulder height. 
    No one seems too worried about my seroma. Just keep an eye on it.