Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,095
edited August 16 in Community news and events
Sharing Breast Cancer Trials upcoming event on Wednesday 7 August from 5-6:30pm (AEST)
In our next Q&A event moderated by Author and Journalist, Annabel Crabb, our panel of experts will explore the topic of breast cancer and heart health; the nature, prevalence and management of cardiotoxicity and cardiovascular disease after breast cancer; strategies for prevention; a multidisciplinary team approach to risk management including the role of GP’s and cardiologists; and self-management strategies to reduce cardiovascular risk. We will also hear a patient’s perspective on the long-term impact that breast cancer treatment had on her heart.

Head to the Breast Cancer Trials website for more information


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    This webinar starts in 1 hour .....  if you've had chemo, it would be wise to check it out now, )or later when the video is put up) but they are saying ALL women with breast cancer has a higher of heart disease, so really, we ALL need to watch it :( 
  • Aska
    Aska Member Posts: 77
    I ended up at a cardiologist during radiation.  He said all women diagnosed with BC should get a coronary CT as a baseline then every 5 years.  I shared this with my radiation oncologist and they disagreed. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    edited August 7
    Given the number of known cases of cardio myopathy with BC patients (with some specific chemos) how DARE they say that! Get your GP to line you up for one - or at least give you a referral to your cardiologist again & they will order one!.  Rad Oncs are not 'trained' in that area .... 

    I didn't sign up in time to watch this, but will definitely watch it when it is put up as a video - my Dad had his first heart attack at age 40, then had a couple more, then passed away from a massive on at age 51 - so even more reasons for me to watch.  I had pericarditis some years back & 'thought' I was having a heart attack & called the ambos ... they took me to hospital as the ECG they did at the house showed an irregular beat (one of the signs) - but the hospital blood test didn't show any Troponin ....  so I had a 'sort of' heart attack - I sure thought I was dying!

    (@Mez_BCNA - can you put the link up, when the video is ready to view, please?)

  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,095
    edited August 8
    Recording available below: 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    Gee, that was quick! Usually it is a week or so!!!

    Many thanks @Mez_BCNA

  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 851
    I watch most of this. My internet got glitchy toward the end. Wasn’t bad  found household distractions at that time of night was challenging  5pm to 6:30pm
  • Tri
    Tri Member Posts: 146
    edited August 10
    This was very useful to watch on video. The aim to strengthen communications between cardiologists, radiation oncologists, oncologists and the GPs can only lead to better experiences for patients. 
    Lee, the speaker with ‘consumer’ experience was terrific giving insight into how, after her treatment, her particular heart health issues presented more than 10 years later. 
    The questions viewers raised really cut to the chase and were proactive (eg ‘what can we do to manage and prevent cardiovascular issues after bc treatment?’)
    The closing statement about the importance of talking with the patient - and factoring in what they need or want - was excellent (seems basic but surprisingly easy to overlook). 
    Another useful take out was that heart issues can evolve and emerge over a long timeframe and combined with the reality that treating specialists may retire or move practices, the person being treated is better placed if they are also able to keep their own records. Thus giving them an ability to refer back in some detail to their treatment regime.
    @Mez_BCNA given that many of us with HER2 positive diagnosis are told early on about the potential for heart toxicity side effects of some targeted drugs this might be a helpful video to add to the Triple Positive Group thread. 
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 851
    I wish my gp was as good as the one on this. Mine just refers anything back to my treatment team. Only deals with earaches and general stuff. Like any specialist referrals needed. My gyno asks more questions then him. And I only see her every 6 mths
  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,095
    @Tri Happy to add this post with recording to the group