ABC Regional Radio

Well today Meg was interviewed live on the local radio station and she did an amazing job!
The training we did has been so great, thanks all at BCNA.
I'm not at all surprised Meg's done an amazing job - both you Tassie women have been remarkable and have hit the ground running, what a team!
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Thanks Leonie.
Your site may be locked or something as you aren't listed as a contact of mine and your site blocks me. Meg is found under Megssie.. the pic is of her with her dog! How are you?? I am practising my talk for Friday... eeek.
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Hi Amanda,
I received a phone call today from a chap who heard Meg's interview and he and his wife were so moved they want to donate $250 to her to assist with advertising etc. He says they donate the cost of Xmas cards and postage each year and she is the lucky one this year. Cheque will be sent to me for Tas BCNA and Pauline will issue a receipt.
Hope all your family celebrations are going ok! Take care, Mandy
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Hi Leonie and Mandy,
Great to see you are being very active in the online network.
Di and I were talking the other day and it is so great to see our 'online baby' growing each day and especially with the support of our Online Network Champions :-)
Regarding connecting with others, you may want to check your Privacy settings to ensure people can search for you and if you want to connect with each other click on the members photo and within their Profile you can click 'Add as a contact' on the left of the Profile page, you will be connected in no time!
Keep up the good work ladies, we just love seeing your updates and support of each other.